Mid march hatch a long

I hope you all in lockdown have your water bowls ready and your brooder set ups and heat lamps going and you got in your supply of chick starter.

When I first took chicks home form TSC last year they recommended a teaspoon of sugar in a quart of water for the first few hours in case they chilled in transport home or stressed. Dipped all their beaks in the water dish filled with marbles so they wouldn't drown. They all got it. So I do the sugar trick with water for the newborns once they come out of the brooder to give them some good energy.

I also found I had to use medicated chick feed for the first month or so cause their poos went too runny without it. But if you are just backyard flocking and not dragging stuff home from chick sales days, probably ok. They do have low immunities in the beginning!

I'm only a week in so I got 2 to go. hmmpf.
here is what it says:
You know a lot of that does make sense. Where I am in Niota is the higher elevation but still alot lower then buster is. I have also noticed something with the marans eggs I hatch. The early quitters seem to be the darkest of the dark eggs. Wheaties and I were talking about before hatching them trying to rub off some of the dark coating on the top part of the eggs to allow more oxygen to enter the egg. Dont know if it will make a difference but it is worth a try and does seem strange that the really dark eggs seem to quit a lot more often then the lighter ones.

ahhh thanks! I will definitely try that next time I get chocolate colored eggies! All the lighter ones seem to be doing fine...It does make sense when I think about it that way....

I am excited to get this bunch hatched out, got the other incubatores set up yesterday, one for hatching and one getting ready to set some turkey eggs in, this will be my second try with the turkey eggs, I tried turkey eggs that I bought off of ebay a couple of years ago with very poor results, am hoping for better results this time.

Where did you get the eggs this time? If my turkeys ever lay I will be trying them myself as well...
OOPS...forgot to add, I just locked down tonight on 12 bantam mix eggs and 38 mixed brown eggs....

My silkie sitting on her 6 eggs should have chicks by tuesday night
I just got done candling mine and all 20 that I set are doing great. I could see them all moving and kicking around in there! I am excited for lockdown on Friday. I think this will be a great hatch. 1 week to go until I have some new chicks. Happy Hatching all!
Oh yeah and I also tried to candle some that are on day 4. I don't have high hopes for 18 of the 37 that I set (In my new second incubator) though because I had a severe temp spike to 109 for about 6 hours. (I think I bumped the nob on the bator. I am going to give them until day 8 or 9 just to be sure. I did see some veining in a couple of them but they may be dead.

As for the rest of them in my first bator they are looking ok, I saw veining in some but most of them were too dark to tell for sure. I finally got some Delaware eggs in there and I am hoping I get at least one or two out of the batch. They are due on the 28th.
I am a bit late to join but I have around 150 black-sex link eggs due to hatch on the 15th. On Monday I will be putting in lockdown. I hope to get a lot of girls and that I will be able to sell the boys quickly (the girls are all spoken for). Tommorow I will candle and see if all still look good.

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