MIGRAINES - update pg 9

No moving is not a good thing. LOL It worked wonders for me...you just have to relax. They left me in a dark room and it was fabulous.

Oh wow caffeine is a known trigger how unusual that it does not bother yours. Have you talked to a doc about that fact?
Oh wow caffeine is a known trigger how unusual that it does not bother yours. Have you talked to a doc about that fact?

My migraines are vascular. For example, nitrites and MSG open up the cranial vascular system causing the migraine, and caffeine shuts it back down. But it's VERY TRUE that I can't go without my coffee -- that does give me a rebounder.

Here's a good article:

With education and moderation, caffeine can be one of the most effective treatments for headache.

Caffeine is a common ingredient in many prescription and over-the-counter headache medications. Analgesics work more quickly and more efficiently with caffeine, patients are able to take less medication. Caffeine makes pain relievers 40% more effective. Caffeine also helps the body absorb medications more quickly. Caffeine reduces the risk for potential side effects and reduces the risk of habitual or addictive usage of medications by making them more effective.

Drugs that contain caffeine:

Actamin Super
Anacin Maximum Strength
Anacin Tablets and Caplets
Aspirin-Free Excedrin Caplets
Bayer Select Maximum Strength Headache Pain Relief
Dristan Capsules
Excedrin Caplets (Canada)
Excedrin Caplets Extra Strength (Canada)
Excedrin Extra Strength Caplets and Tablets
Goody's Extra Strength Tablets
Goody's Headache Powder
Midol Menstrual Maximum Strength Caplets
Midol for Cramps Maximum Strength Caplets
NoDoz100 mg.
Pain Reliever Tablets
Vanquish Caplets


Cafergot Suppositories (other names: Cafertrine, Cafetrate, Migergot, Wigraine)
Cafergot Tablets (other names: Ercaf, Ergo-Caff, Gotamine, Wigraine)
Darvon Compound
Fiorinal Capsules and Tablets
Fiorinal with Codeine No. 3
Norgesic Forte; Norphadrine Forte
Norgesic; Norphadrine Forte
Triaminicin with Codeine Tablets​
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After reading everyone's posts, I have a strange theory. Maybe our digestive tracts get paralyzed and we get nauseous BECAUSE our body is trying to prevent us from eating anything ELSE that might worsen the headache!

Probably not, but it does make me wonder . . .

And does anybody else get a WHAMMO migraine when they shop at big-box stores like K-mart or Fleet Farm? I've suspected either the bad conglomeration of smells or the enormous amount of fluorescent lighting.

Any theories????
And does anybody else get a WHAMMO migraine when they shop at big-box stores like K-mart or Fleet Farm? I've suspected either the bad conglomeration of smells or the enormous amount of fluorescent lighting.

I get seizures if I stay too long in a store with fluorescent lights. The lower the ceiling, the faster they come on. I imagine they can also cause migraines in susceptible people.

There's actually something called "Shopper's Syndrome" where a person gets dizzy or has seizures from the up and down, side to side eye movement while walking through narrow aisles with the riot of colors and the canned music.​
I use to get migraines so bad! They were mainly a result of TMJ pain and fragrances. I even asked a doc to remove my jaw once. Went to a TMJ specialist and he but me on amytriptalyne which caused me to fall asleep behind the wheel. Other than that and a mouth guard that is al he said he could do. So I researched on my own and found magnesium. I can't live without the stuff. I also take some other vitamins and minerals.

At work I have to wear a mask to going the restroom/ locker room because the air freshener causes migraines. People always ask me. "Oh you still don't like the smell" And I have to explain that although I may like the smell something in many fragrances cause migraines.

If I feel one coming on I can tone it down with 800mg ibuprofen and a mt dew.

Here is a good site: http://www.acu-cell.com/dis-hea.html
I use to get migraines so bad! They were mainly a result of TMJ pain and fragrances. I even asked a doc to remove my jaw once. Went to a TMJ specialist and he but me on amytriptalyne which caused me to fall asleep behind the wheel. Other than that and a mouth guard that is al he said he could do. So I researched on my own and found magnesium. I can't live without the stuff. I also take some other vitamins and minerals.

At work I have to wear a mask to going the restroom/ locker room because the air freshener causes migraines. People always ask me. "Oh you still don't like the smell" And I have to explain that although I may like the smell something in many fragrances cause migraines.

If I feel one coming on I can tone it down with 800mg ibuprofen and a mt dew.

I know what you mean when you say "please take off my jaw"! I finally had jaw surgery. The obvious damage was repaired, but the pain came back about 3 years later.

Last year I began to take a more therapeutic dose of my thyroid medication, and my constant jaw, neck and shoulder pain went away. Maybe you should have your thyroid T3 and T4 levels checked.

Another thing that can help w/ severe reactions to scents is Cortisol. You could have your levels checked to see if you have some adrenal fatigue.

You can take action to have that distressing scent removed or changed at your place of work! It is generally accepted nowadays that perfumes are inappropriate in the workplace. Usually the guidelines talk about what the workers spray on themselves, but I have heard of cases where an employee made a complaint of illness from the automatic scent sprayer in the employee bathroom, and got it removed or changed. I once quit a job because of perfume.​
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Chicabee19- Thank you! I have tossed around the idea of hypothyroid adrenal fatigue for way too long. I just found out my mom was recently diagnosed with hypothyroid. I have several symptoms: low blood pressure and low body temp are the two biggest ones. I'm trying to find a good doctor in my area to get the saliva test done.

Thanks again.
lz, I'm going to send you the PM about low blood pressure I just wrote out for red.

Squiggly things in your vision are ocular migraines and I get them sometimes without accompaning a regular painful headache type migraine, but that is me. I had it checked out with the doc and he didn't seem concerned about them so I just wait for the vision to clear up. Sometimes eye drops, natural tears, helps.
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