MIGRAINES - update pg 9

Hi! Welcome to chickens! Congratulations on the Topamax working for you!
We're very similar in our migraine patterns and triggers, although mine are also caused by a nerve damaged during removal of a tumor in my head...The Topamax has helped me immensely too! And the new rescue med, Treximet, is awesome! I have daily migraines on such a low scale (3-4 on the pain scale) with Topamax, its wonderful, and take Ultram daily...then when it gets worse, like 7 0r 8, I take the Treximet!
I have lost alot of weight this past year and a half, I was losing on purpose, but now I dont have to try....I used to weigh 208 pounds, I'm 139 now!!! Take care, and listen to your Neurologist!
I weighed myself last night for the first time in awhile...and

I'm going to call my Dr today and see if I can increase the dosage a little...he wanted me to stay at 25mg for 2 months before seeing him again!
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Excellent advices everyone!

I heard something yesterday that I have never heard before!

DH said he had talked to someone about migraines and she recommended sniffing coffee beans!

That is such an odd idea, I think I'll try it next time I get a migraine.
When a bad migraine sets in, I get dyslexic; can't write or even talk properly. I transpose words and sounds and get unintelligible.

That is so like me! If it comes on before I realize what's happening, I can "forget" to take meds for it.​
I take 150 mg at night and 100 mg in the morning, I have his recommendation to take more, but I havent yet cause I dont have the RX in writing, so my insurance hasnt covered the increase...He wants me on 200 mg at night and 150 in the a.m. to stop the daily migraines. I take Tramadol, Generic Ultram, 100 mg, every 4-6 hours, or I will not be able to function through the brain pain (aside from the migraine that gets triggered by everything else)...I still work 40+ hours a week, take care of my family and pets, and play REALLY hard on weekends. But I hate pain.
I hope you can increase the Ultram, it takes some getting used to, but 25 mg seems like a low dose!
Can someone tell me how Topomax works?

I called my Naturopath to see if he thought it was a good idea for me to try it.

I have partial seizures and migraines, and apparently it's used for both?

Keep in mind that Imitrex killed me, so if it works like that... not sure I'd want to try it!

Side-effect of weight loss would also not be frowned upon around here
From what my neuro told me, they "aren't sure" how exactly it works, but the thought is that it calms hyperexcitable nerves. Speaking from my own experience, it makes sense. I almost always had neck/shoulder pain which I'm sure was a major source of the migraines. My DBF is a chiropractor, and couldn't find anything in the area that should be causing it. I've had CAT scans, and MRI's also, with no conclusion. :| Since the VERY morning after my first dose, that pain is gone!

I've been doing lots of reading about it online, and it seems some Dr's are prescribing it for weightloss, alcohol addiction, bulimia, and back pain!

There's lots of side effects that people could experience, however so far I have only gotten the tingling occasionally. It feels like when your foot falls asleep, but lasts a little longer. Oh, and soda all tastes flat now. I can live with that! I did notice fatigue the first few days, so I picked up the L-Tyrosine that had been suggested by the Neuro. So far, with taking the L-Tyrosine (1000mg) daily, my energy seems MUCH better!

With Imitrex I had really bad side effects too....I always chose to use the Zomig first! The Zomig had almost no side effects for me, the Imitrex raised my blood pressure, made me feel really nauseous...well just AWFUL, and then the following day all my joints would ached like I had arthritus and I'd be fatigued. I'm only 36, so that wasn't acceptable!

Topamax is NOT a rescue medicine, and NOT a triptan. So I think the answer is that it works in a different way than Imitrex, but of course ask your Dr! You have to take Topamax everyday, as it is a preventive medicine.
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thanks chicky8, appreciate the info. I'll also check out the L-Tyrosine connection!

I just love how the Internet allows us to connect and share!

I really do wonder if I'd still be alive and kicking without it!
Just FYI... I did find some site that said L-tyrosine is a migraine trigger...but I've only taken it since starting the Topamax, and I haven't had any migraines.
Guess what you guys???!!!

I recently did a lot of research on new Migraine studies and treatments, and ran into some interesting stuff on TAURINE.

What I read said that nitrites deplete Taurine in the brain, so supplementing Taurine can stop one.

I ordered some pure Taurine powder and used it with my last 3 migraines.

I can report that all three were far less in intensity, and lasted for about half the usual time.

Right now I am sitting here having had onset of a migraine about 3 hours ago -- I can still feel something in my head, but I am experiencing no pain at all.

To be fair, I have to say I also did 4 other things along with the Taurine -- none of which has ever worked alone or in conjunction before adding Taurine (at 1000 mg once or three times during the first hour or two of pain)

sniffing coffee beans every 15 minutes

Excedrin Headache (2-3 pills) + strong coffee

1/2 Flexeril

Ice on my head/neck

The Taurine and coffee beans seem to have the most immediate effect on the pain.
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