Mikado Pheasants


11 Years
Nov 6, 2008
Southwestern PA
Does anyone have these and is it diffucult to incubate their eggs?? My hubby decided to buy some eggs and I need some info on them.
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My hen sat on 5 eggs last season 3 hatched and the male killed them.So I guess take the male away next time.I've heard that both parents raise the chicks.Don't know why he killed them.
In N.H.,Tony.
Supposedly that is true about silvers...I haven't tried it yet...Makes me kinda nervous...she hatched them out last year (we pulled him) but we got freezing weather and they died...I was kinda bummed. This year we are incubating with broody bantams. (HOPEFULLY)
Another problem with hens hatching their own eggs is,as soon as they hatch the chicks scatter and disappear.So make sure your pen is as tight as you can get it.Fill in all the holes and make sure they can't get throught the wire.
In N.H.,Tony.
oh i only made that mistake once...lol...my ringneck hatched out and those little buggers made it through the chickenwire holes and into other pens...we were so lucky they didn't get attacked by the other birds! So we have barriers in front of the doors where there is wire.
Live and learn huh?
aww that is terrible about them dying. We are going to stick them in an incubator. Hopefuul I will have some luck they are expensive little eggs!!

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