Milford fighting the Michigan Right To Farm Act


10 Years
May 7, 2009
Fox2 had on the news this morning that Milford was going to take an elderly man, Archie Moon, to court to keep him from getting 6 backyard hens. His set up and coop looks wonderful and it looks like they will be penned not free range. Also from what you see his yard looks like a decent size. I will be following this story as I also have chickens and plan to use the same right to farm act if I get any complaints. What a shame. His neighbors said they support him too.
Seriously? The town has no more important issues to deal with than one man owning only 6 chickens??? I hate to ask, but what party is in charge?
What a shame! I grew up in Highland just up the road from Milford, when we moved out there in the mid 70's it was mostly country. The problem is that over time you get "city people" that want to move out into the country, but!!!!! they want everything that the city has Street lights, stop lights, all roads paved, a store within walking distance because everything is too far. I see the same thing here in California. We moved into the foothills to get to the country way of life. Due to the housing market we have a bunch of folks from the Bay Area that bought house's and moved here over the past 3 years. Now they want Starbucks, paved walking trails (Hell we HIKE up in this area) , complain about the deer eating thier nicely manicured lawns, we all have seasonal grass that dies off in the heat of summer to conserve water. I could go on, but I think you get the picture. If people don't like the wild life and country style living, then stay in the city!!!
In these tough economic times it bends my mind to see so many goverment types wasting time on stupid things. Local, state and federal. Surely Milford has better things to worry about than backyard chickens.
As with most zoning issues they rely on complaints to bring it to the attention of the county or city. More than likely a neighbor did complain and started the ball rolling. I am currently active on an Equestrian Advisory group to our local county that is writing new language to the code to try and preserve or in some cases encourage equestrian activities in more urban areas as our county sees more urban growth. Houses are now covering what was once beautiful dairy land and farming pastures as well as houses built right up to entrances to forest parks that are unmaintained trails for horses and hikers. We are basically within 15 miles north of a major city and growth has caught up here as housing and taxes have become more expensive in the neighboring state. The right to farm is usually intended for established use so as growth happens current land owners are not pressured to move and give up what they have been doing for years. New activity is not so protected. He may do okay but there must be some other overlay of zoning language that does not allow the chickens.
Check out the Michigan Right to Farm Act thread--new as well as established commercial farming endeavors are covered, and override local zoning. There has to be an intent at the least to produce some income, which is not always the case with people who have a handful of chickens.
lol City people. . . . They don't want chickens because they smell and make noise. SO DO DOGS!

$3000 for a tiny little coop and run, wow. . . .

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