Mille Fleur Leghorn Thread PIC HEAVY

DM Rippy and Raven are selling out of these. Does anyone breed these now? Some one out there might like to know if they are available and where they are.

I have about 8-10 pullets and a cockerel and a cock. Just coming into lay. I am NOT planning on selling out of the MFL as of right now. They are staying.

One of my two MFL roosters.
ive been thinking about crossing my pullets with a speckled sussex. good idea or no? i want bigger eggs and a bigger body type.

I have some growing out from that cross. I wanted to improve heartiness..... they look like MFL.... I am sure leg color will have to be fixed. Not laying yet so I can't help there. I think I only have one pullet and 4-5 cockerels. They will be used with my reg MFL and see what happens.
I have some growing out from that cross. I wanted to improve heartiness..... they look like MFL.... I am sure leg color will have to be fixed. Not laying yet so I can't help there. I think I only have one pullet and 4-5 cockerels. They will be used with my reg MFL and see what happens.

thats so cool that we both had the same idea. I've been thinking about doing that cross ever since i read about the MFL and it's weaknesses on this thread. if you get the time please post some pics. do you think an F2 generation would have at least 25% with yellow legs?
I would thing 50% since they should carry one copy each. Takes 2 to express so if you breed them back to a MFL the Yellow legs will be there and the rest will also carry it. That one would be an easy fix......

Ask me about pics in a month. I just don't have time. We are remodeling a house and then selling but should be done in 2-3 weeks. I am going to thin the roos down this week. The roo guy is coming the end of the week. I might keep 3 cockerels. Hum.... I am thinking of selling some pullets I could sell one of the cockerels with 2 pullets for a trio (I don't have any MFL cockerels to spare )
Yay! We are officially Mille Fleur Leghorn keepers now, so I can join this thread! I bought Raven's pair. They got here safely last week, all the way from Tennessee! I hope the hen will settle in soon and lay some eggs for us to hatch.

Mille Fleur is my husband's favorite chicken color, so I surprised him with them. He was SO thrilled!

When I picked them up at the post office, the counter lady followed me to the parking lot and asked "Would you mind letting us see them in their cage? We've been dying to all morning." When I walked back in, the sun was coming in the window just right to dance on their feathers. They were shining like blazes. There was a collective gasp of awe. Everybody loved them. :p I love showing off my birdies.

We are having so much fun with these birds. They are beautiful. Once they had a few days to relax after shipping, I put my two super uber tame Barred Rocks in with them. Every time I go in to feed, Muk and Luk come running to sit on my lap. The two Leghorns were horrified at first, but now they are getting braver. Yesterday, the hen aaaaalmost hopped onto my lap with the Rocks. Even the rooster came up to eat from the dish I was holding.

Not the best pictures, but happy munching chooks

Mr. Prettypants exchanging obscenities with the other roosters

I can't get over the beautiful colors!!

P.S. I seem to be the thread killer, so I hope somebody else posts after me
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For those looking for an outcross, have you thought of the Icelandics? I see lots of perfect mille fluer Icelandics, they have similar type and yellow legs, white earlobes, single comb, some lack crests too. I have been looking for one of them or even a mille fluer leghorn hen for a project I have in mind...
My roo had a beautiful green ring of feathers around his neck. He was the perfect roo but he was taken by a hawk. Now I only have 4 hens and I'm guessing that roo is their father.

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