Mille Fleur Leghorn Thread PIC HEAVY

I have one other that I believe may have less white but I'm sure his form is as good. He's a bit younger so I need to wait to he's grown out a bit more
Just a couple thoughts on this. I would avoid using a white leghorn since who knows what they mask. I know many (atleast in my experience) carry barring which would mess things up more than they are already. I say try to work with what you have for now. I would cross in an ancona with great mottling, any sign of it should be gone in a few breedings back to the mille fluer. The other advantage here is that anconas should have the same type as leghorns so if you find a great ancona with great type and mottling you have a good start on improving birds. Another way would be to try some of those mille fluer colored swedish flower hens. It isnt the best cross I know but some of them look so much like leghorns already and I have seen many with great mille fluer coloring, just a thought.
An interesting look for the Leghorn. I see that you won't have any available for a few months, but do you know of anyone that breeds these Leghorns that might have some eggs available now.
They are looking good.Ancona may work but will require a few backcrosses.Buff Leghorn or Red might work since they are on Wheaton,I wouyld not use Light Brown Leghorm as they are on Duckwing.I agree White may introduce a host of colors and may not work very well.
Here are some pictures of my flock, which is related to Cheryl's. I just caught these four birds and don't have them in the breeder pen, but the pictures should give you a good idea of what I'm going to use this year for breeding. The hens have better yellow in the legs and are a darker color than last. They all have too much white in their primaries or tail, but overall I'm happy with the improvement over the last two years. Unfortunately I don't have a cockerel with good spangling on the breast this year. The cockerel's feathers are very frayed from a temporary pen I had him in over the summer. They have lots of faults, but i like them and will be hatching out quite a bit again next year. Any and all comments are welcome.

Last summer I crossed my stock with some exhibition quality buff leghorns. All of the offspring came out as a darker buff with a good variability in the feather quality. Unfortunately I lost all but two females while I was on vacation and the critters came to visit. I'll be back crossing those pullets to this cockerel later this year to see what I get. I don't know which way will improve them faster. I almost think that just breeding more pure birds and selecting better will yield more improvement.

Rich Lehnert




Thanks for the pictures Richard! I have 3 extra roos that I just sent to rooster rescue, I didn't realize you needed one. Would you like me to send you pictures of them?

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