Mimosa trees


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 31, 2009
Hoover, Alabama
Hi y'all,

Our backyard chicken pasture has been over run with mimosa tree seedlings. The girls don't really eat them, but one of them died yesterday afternoon and
another one is looking kind of puny (not moving around much and her comb is kind of orange instead of bright red).

It's been 100+ for the last few days but their ark is in the shade and they have water. I've been wetting the ground too. Today they have ice and cold water.

I don't know if it's something they're eating (mimosa trees) or if it's just the heat. I only have two left and will attack the mimosa trees if that's what I need to do.

Thanks for any input.

I did a little googling and it appears that the seeds and seedpods are toxic. Contains a neurotoxin. Are there seedpods around this time of year?

My dd brought me a few seedpods the other day.
I don't know why I didn't think about googling it myself. Duh! Thanks for picking up the slack for me.

All the trees in our yard are seedlings. There are some mimosa's about a half mile from here. I'll get the round up after the seedlings in the yard
and keep the girls off of it for awhile.

I put a lot of ice and ice water in the run of the ark yesterday and shaded one side with some camo netting. The one that was looking kind of sick
seems better today, but she's still a little pale, so I think it was the heat that got the other one.

Thanks for your help,
I have a mimosa(or a false mimosa) in my yard. It's a tree in the sensitive tree variety with the pink flowers. I've always called it a mimosa but recently found out it might not actually be one. Anyways my hens pick at the seed pods in the fall and have not had any issues.

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