Mink Predation!


10 Years
May 1, 2009
It all started a couple of weeks ago. My chickens have been free range chickens most of their life. I first noticed my pretty red Frizzle rooster went missing! I looked and looked for him but found nothing. I thought maybe he got in a fight with one of the other roosters and was killed I have several.. At that point I put all my chickens in what I thought was a secure building at least it seemed to be the past few years There was like this commotion that lead my husband to check on them. He saw a mink run up the side of the wall and disappear in a tiny hole in the wall after it had killed two of my pretty roos. I have had some hens brooding eggs and these were the unfortunate little hens that were murdered and their little heads pulled through a small hole on two sides of the building, and this is after I thought I had sealed every opening I could find, sadly in each case this thing found another way in! Does anyone have any thoughts about what I can do, I want to let my chickens roam the farm free again but after seeing the mink inside and outside the coopI don't know what to do anymore. This is heartbreaking for me, I feel helpless to help my chcikens that I raised for two day old chicks, they are all like pets. So far I have lost 4 roosters and 6 hens. This has all happened within two weeks. We have set a live trap out with some mink lure and cat food inside but nothing and it has been out for about two weeks or so. Any encouraging words of advice would be so appreciated. Thankyou!!
Create a tunnel with live traps on each end and a SAFELY caged chicken between the two traps. In it's attempt to get at the chicken the mink will be caught. Do not relocate - dispatch. Good luck.
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Thanks so much for your reply, hope a few more will! That is a pretty good idea. I would be so scared for my poor little one that I put in the cage to bait the thing!!

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