
I live in Detroit Lakes. I have a few chickens and i plan on getting a few more this spring. I want to get Silkies. Also hoping to get some call ducks. Hubby is going to build me a new coop this summer so i can get more.
I have been checking with neighbors and nobody yet willing to rent out land. I will keep my looking in the area. Sorry.

I have been really too busy to get on here and respond. I am back in college right now fulltime and working full time so a bit stretched to the max. Anyone have any idea how hard it is after a 20 year absence from college and at 40 going back to finish my BA. This is really hard I tell you......
chickending, thanks for the help. My co-worker asked the person who she had her coop built on and he said it was ok for me to go ahead and build me one for a small fee of about $30. a year. I'm so excited, I can't wait until spring hits and the weather gets warmer for me to go out and build a coop.

With school, I feel you, I'm only 21 And working on my AAS degree and doing it full time and work full time is really hard for me. I have only been out of school for one year then return it was really heard to get back to the h/w and study habit. I hope you are doing well in school dont let the ex amount of years you took off to doubt yourself.
We, could spend our money and lose it but not our degree, I myself Is looking forward to futher my education after I get my AAS degree in pharmacy tech.

Best Wishes,

Princeton, MN here.


Michelle and I have had chickens for 6 years now and have enjoyed every moment. When you surround yourself with life, there is sorrow, but even that is savored. We have enjoyed many breeds and have settled on a variety of rare breeds: Phoenix, Lakenvelder, blue red wyandotte and others.


We sell our eggs for incubating and or good eats. We sell some of our chickens and get many families started in this passion.


I am a raku clay handmade tile and mosaic artist who tends to enjoy the raku colors found in our backyard poultry. I call them my Raku Chickens!


I am interested in poultry focused products and have many ideas that I may be offering as I get them manufactured.


I am interested in the various swap meets in Minnesota. Does anyone have a contact number for these?


Both of us are constantly learning new and interesting things about this poultry passion.

~Chad Everson "Teddy Bear"


HEllo to all of my fellow minnesotans. You all enjoy the snow???? JK...I am sooo ready for spring... and so are my new chickens. Anyway, my name is Tara, I have 10 acres just east of mille lacs lake and north of Isle....I bought 15 buff orpingtons about a week ago and i am really enjoying the whole experience. Nice to know there are others out there from my state. Anyone raising buffs???
I'm near Wabasha. I haven't raised poulty in a few years, and I'm sure glad to get back at it. We're starting with meat birds, and debating between New hampshire reds or Buff Orpingtons for some "yard birds".

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