
@scandiafowl I haven't really noticed a difference in personality, the one black one just has such a bigger body and thicker legs than the other one. I don't really interact with them at all other than watching and taking pictures, because they're being raised by a broody they're pretty skittish around me.
I have noticed that the Welsummer hen is a bit more independent than the others, she'll go off on her own quite a bit.
Welsummers r known to do that. Mine forage for all their food and lay still so I think they r pretty good at it.
Hello everyone! Loving hearing your stories and conversations. Thank you! We dont fence our chickens in, know the risks, but that might be changing. After finding a pile of 9 beautiful brown eggs out in the field (we were wondering why pippin quit laying) we might fence them in... We are new to chickens, and from 8 hens getting 5 or 6 eggs a day so we thought all was well. I guess we could be getting more! Maybe we will keep them in coop until 10 or 11 AM and see if they grow to like using the nest boxes....

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