
My black australorps chicks hatched on Sunday and Monday. 5 little fluffballs. 1 yellow, 1 grayish(Brahma?), 3 black with some white(similar to black copper maran chicks). 4 more might have hatched on Tuesday or Wednesday but first time mama got restless and the already hatched chicks couldn't get out of the nest(sides too high) so she decided to find them food in there. I wasn't home when she decided to do this. :( but happy about the 5 chicks. :)
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It looks like one of my chickens is being identified as a cockerel. I'm not allowed to have a rooster in Burnsville, can anyone help or direct me as to where I can send him if it really is a male?

This is the thread if you'd like to take a look:


Decided the other person is correct. You have one of each.
Looking back and seeing that tail again convinced me.

You can post to give it away on Craigslist. Or if you know someone who lives out of the city who would take him?
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