
What is wrong with her?

Not exactly sure, but most likely a severe respiratory infection of some sort. Also has some neurological things going on because she has trouble balancing, trips, and even when she sits in my lap she is rocking back and forth. I think this heat may have weakened her and it all sort of took over her.

I have had a topic going for a few days over her in that area of the forum.... lots of debates on how to treat her, what to treat her with, and how much. So many opinions=a stressed out chicken mommy.
Someone over on the duck threat had a similar issue. They sent it in for necropsy and found a lesion on the brain which they believe was from a migrating raccoon round worm.
I have had a few birds along the way that fit your description. It sounds to me like, yes, she has some respiratory issue from the heat. I use Tylan injectable 1ml down the throat to take care of that. In 2-3 treatments, they are back to running and eating. However,.... the off balance thing sounds like you have another matter in this. It is my experience that when they start the wobblies like that, that they don't bounce back. It isn't always worth the time and effort of sending them off to necro either unless you just HAVE to know.
I hope she rebounds for you. If you haven't treated her with anything, I am 110% behind the treatment I suggested. I know it works on chickens and turkeys alike, except the turkeys need a high dosage due to size. For juveniles I use .5ml
Hi. Richfield, anyone? I swear i heard another chicken call out and its not mine. So am trying to find them. I am near the best buy campus.

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