
As I understand it Mr. Stapish had the Champion Chantecler. I don't know him or even know of him, but I am not into showing birds at this time and have not been for quite some time.
Jim Fegan and Mike Gilbert both had wins in various classes for Chanteclers. They are both quality individuals, knowledgeable poultry men and accomplished showmen. I got Whites from Jim Fegan and Partridge from Mike Gilbert, and they have some of the best birds to be had.
I loved the ones Mike had there. Nice heads, really nice combs, which seems to be a problem with many of the ones there, big combs and many not even cushion. The Partridge cockerel that placed first, in my opinion, looked more like a Buckeye. I thought the type was off quite a bit and just presented wrong. Apparently, they are not being bred much in the US for exhibition, there were less than a dozen Partridge there. The females looked better than the males. Lots of Whites though. Buffs lacked size, and seemed many were young still. Those were the ones whose combs were just all over the place. I hope to see more of them in the future. I have my eye on them if I can make the room to add them into my flock, they definitely would go well with the birds I have already. They are a useful breed and I like the ones that are more than just pretty to look at ;)
Unfortunately the city council of Perham, MN voted against passing a chicken law 3-2. The law was well layed out. Could have been better but a very good start on the law. Unfortunately i did find the animals ordinance buried in the deepest darkest hole in the city website. So now im going to find the men and woman who drafted the law and find out what i can do as far as help re drafting the law and start a petition. I called the city mayor who is a friend of ours (he voted for the law to allow) he claims hes unsure how the subject could be brought up again to the city council to vote again. Thats about all i know for now.
Is it weird that I have a hen going broody right now? I don't even supplement light.

Oh well, at least she's keeping the eggs from freezing!
Stupid m*&$^(@#+&ing red tail hawk ate one of my 3 girls this morning. It was my nice healthy, reliably laying buckeye too

If anyone has a spare young hen, acclimated to the weather, I'm in the market. The 2 remaining ladies could use the extra huddle warmth.
Stupid m*&$^(@#+&ing red tail hawk ate one of my 3 girls this morning. It was my nice healthy, reliably laying buckeye too

If anyone has a spare young hen, acclimated to the weather, I'm in the market. The 2 remaining ladies could use the extra huddle warmth.

Sorry to hear you lost one..

I hope the hawk chokes on a chicken bone... Airborne killers are the worst.

I have no idea what a Buckeye is, but I have 35 hens, I think I could spare one. I was going to butcher some, but I just fell in love with them instead....(stupid me)

If you are interested let me know.

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