
First, are you sure it is Araucanas you are looking for? Not Ameraucanas? and not Easter Eggers? Yes, there is a difference. Thanks to some big hatcheries that mislead folks on these three groups/breeds, there are people who think they are all the same. The Araucana is VERY hard to find and are distinctively different from the other two. If that is really what you are looking for, then you would be best searching online for a breeder of pure ones that way, but be careful, like I said, lots of people have been mislead and will advertise their Easter Eggers (mutts) as Araucanas.

Yes, I want the rumpless, tufted, blue egg laying beauties. I find there is just something about them. I found out the hard way on the Americana ( EE) not being the same as Ameraucanas. That being said I really enjoy them and they are apart of the family now. I had intentions of a small flock, but it has since started to grow.
Yes, I want the rumpless, tufted, blue egg laying beauties. I find there is just something about them. I found out the hard way on the Americana ( EE) not being the same as Ameraucanas. That being said I really enjoy them and they are apart of the family now. I had intentions of a small flock, but it has since started to grow.
I am going to PM you something to hopefully help you find some.
I am getting eggs again!

I got 16 from my 30 pullets, so I am over 50% again.. I hope it stays that way!

Maybe you need to bring some of yours to show mine how it is done. I put brighter lights in a couple of days ago in hopes that will make a difference. We will see. I did get 2 more than I had been getting today from two pens who weren't laying.
Anyone need a black English orpington rooster? I have one from papas poultry (Papa Brooder) that was hatched in May 2014. I don't have enough hens to go around.

How many roosters does everyone run with their hens, I am down to 2 roosters to 31 hens.

I will be up to 3 when I get to Hermantown. I really want a cream bar rooster but am way to cheap to pay the prices I see for them from the hatcheries.

I need to read up on that breed and see what it brings, so many chickens and so little knowledge of them.....(me, not you)
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Ralphie, I have one Roo with 8 hens right now. He's had as many as 12. I think he liked his brooder mate roo helping him keep eye on things so he could graze and forage but between the two of them...they were just to rough on the hens' back feathers. Young competitors in that respect.

@Minniechickmama Do you have Ameraucana chicks available or are they just adults for your breeding stock of OE's and EE's?
Ralphie, I have one Roo with 8 hens right now. He's had as many as 12. I think he liked his brooder mate roo helping him keep eye on things so he could graze and forage but between the two of them...they were just to rough on the hens' back feathers. Young competitors in that respect.

@Minniechickmama Do you have Ameraucana chicks available or are they just adults for your breeding stock of OE's and EE's?
I should have some once they are laying and fertile, but just black this year.
How many roosters does everyone run with their hens, I am down to 2 roosters to 31 hens. 

I will be up to 3 when I get to Hermantown.    I really want a cream bar rooster but am way to cheap to pay the prices I see for them from the hatcheries.

I need to read up on that breed and see what it brings, so many chickens and so little knowledge of them.....(me, not you)

I have one rooster for my 10 hens. I'm expanding this spring and will likely be in the vacinity of 3-4 roos with 35ish hens. Depends on my luck of course and how well Meyer's are able to sex my new chicks.

Glad to hear you're getting more eggs! My girls haven't slowed down and I'm still getting 7-9 eggs per day from my 10 hens. I stopped giving them supplimental light mid December but that hasn't slowed them down at all. I wonder if this crazy January weather has anything to do with it?
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