
Does anyone have lavender or blue orpington chicks hatching to sell? I'm just getting an idea what's out there for a starting flock. columbian wyandottes?

What do you all think of coops that are open bottom with hardware cloth so the droppings and all just fall to the ground? The ventilation would be nice and as a tractor it'd be great for the yard. I see people posting pics of coops they make like that but I wonder if the hardware cloth is a bit hard on the feet?

I'm in Florida but all of my coops have wire under the roosts. The coops also have wooden floors in a part of them that I put pine shaving on. They poop the most when they're roosting. Each new coop we built we made changes. I think something like this would be great in Minnesota. I have a friend that moved to Minnesota several years ago but this past year moved back down south.

I'm in Florida but all of my coops have wire under the roosts. The coops also have wooden floors in a part of them that I put pine shaving on. They poop the most when they're roosting. Each new coop we built we made changes. I think something like this would be great in Minnesota. I have a friend that moved to Minnesota several years ago but this past year moved back down south.
Under just the roosts, that's a great idea! Thank you!
I would have to say that our basque are the friendliest of all our chickens. But they do like to lecture you while standing on your foot :) Our Wellie Roo we got as a chick from Minnie two years ago is super friendly too. Who am I kidding. .. all of ours are friendly or they land in the freezer!

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