
Reminds me of many years ago I was 15 and I found a kitten that was only a couple hours old. The momma cat had been killed, I told my mother I was keeping it and she just kind of smirked because she didn't think it would live and she didn't want anymore cats around. I would warm milk -just store bought cow milk and dip a piece of bread in the milk and hold it to the kitties mouth and it would suckle. Then it would be wet and messy so I'd clean her face and chin and neck! then I'm sure I did the help so it could potty. We had had litters of kittens before so I knew how the momma cat would clean the kitties because their blankets never had potty on them. The kitty lived and everyone was surprised it did except me, cause I just knew it would!

Wanted to share some photos, this one came as a filler with my Jersey Giant order. First thought it was a White Giant but look at these fine green legs!

Olive EE Rooster?
I can tell you for certain it is not a JG, but White JGs DO have willow green legs, or they are supposed to.

Okay, let me amend my comment... it really isn't the body shape or tail growth for a JG, so if it is one, it is likely hatchery stock. It shouldn't have that yellow on the shoulder either.
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I think one of my girls laid her first egg. I haven't seen this color before. The egg is a bit....special! Do you think this is first egg blues or calcium issues? I keep oyster shells out at all times, so they can eat them when they feel the need.
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I think one of my girls laid her first egg. I haven't seen this color before. The egg is a bit....special! Do you think this is first egg blues or calcium issues? I keep oyster shells out at all times, so they can eat them when they feel the need.

You will see things like this with new layers, or hens coming back into lay after a winter break or molt. It was still soft when she laid it and so when it dried, it puckered on the side it was laying. If you see some like this, or with a lot of bumps or fart eggs (mini eggs with no yolk, or no defined yolk) when they start or re-start, don't be alarmed. If you continue to see it, say a month after they are laying and consistently, then you may have either a diet issue or just that individual bird has a hiccup in her system. Same with double yolks, you may see a few when they start. I have had a couple with bumps on the pointy end, in fact have a Silkie now who lays them. Unless it is really bad and you plan to breed them, then I wouldn't worry. It still is as edible as the rest.
the kittens are doing well today. eating well from the bottles. the down side is that they are driving my lab pup bonkers! i think she is jealous that they are stealing her attention. That turned into her chasing chickens today and getting in big doo doo. She was harassing the hens and buck came around to protect his ladies. Long story short, buck lost a few tail feathers and Piper learned what a number 7 'correction' (which is max) feels like. She is always so good with the chickens before today. She seems really anxious around the kittens and is always swallowing and licking her lips which is an odd behavior. hopefully she settles down and gets friendly with the kittens as they are here to stay until they get several weeks older and can move outdoors.
the kittens are doing well today. eating well from the bottles. the down side is that they are driving my lab pup bonkers! i think she is jealous that they are stealing her attention. That turned into her chasing chickens today and getting in big doo doo. She was harassing the hens and buck came around to protect his ladies. Long story short, buck lost a few tail feathers and Piper learned what a number 7 'correction' (which is max) feels like. She is always so good with the chickens before today. She seems really anxious around the kittens and is always swallowing and licking her lips which is an odd behavior. hopefully she settles down and gets friendly with the kittens as they are here to stay until they get several weeks older and can move outdoors.

Yeah, that is like fighting the urge to eat them behavior. Poor girl. Would she take to mothering them at all?
We had to give our Francy the high setting zap when she was chasing them. After a couple times of that, all it took was the beep to go off and she ran her butt straight to the porch. Then after a little while longer, if she didn't learn the first time we said to do or to stop doing, we would just show her the controller. She was a quick learner. The male, Zeke, that is an entirely different story, but he did learn to respect the in-ground fence really quick and all it takes is a couple of beeps from that and he does a 180.
We were just snuggling with our kitties tonight after chores, they really can be wonderful little buddies to have around. The little one almost got herself stuck on the roof over the outdoor runs - cat on a cold tin roof! LOL She found her way down though, even though my daughter was beside herself that she would never find her way down on her own. She doesn't get, it's a cat, and they can go anywhere they wanna go that isn't wired shut.

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