
7:30 am and I am having coffee without one single new post to read. This is unacceptable.

I had a bad day yesterday, and now no new posts. Not that I would ever harp on there not being any new posts.

I made a huge error in judgment yesterday morning. I click on the stupid banner that kep popping up on my computer screen that said I had a free upgrade to Windows 10. DO NOT PUSH THAT BUTTON!

It took all day to download and install. I had windows 8. I was not a huge fan of it , but I had gotten to the point I could use it. I do not like windows 10, I am lost, I have no idea what I am doing. I lost all my passwords. For security reasons I do not write them down. To make them even more secure I forget them. I trust my computer to remember them. Now I need to go through the forgotten password thing.

We had some friend down from Superior yesterday, they brought a 50 pound bag of sunflower seeds to feed the chickens and turkeys. I did not have the heart to tell them not to feed them now, So he sat on the deck and threw the seeds at the birds, then laughed at how fast they went for them. I now have an extra 45 pounds of seeds left.

They were shocked to see the turkeys would come up on the deck to visit with them. They had never held or touched a chicken or turkey in their lives. They were totally enthralled with the birds. The laughed at Ethel, she walks up to people and cocks her head and starts quacking like a duck. She is like an old woman that never shuts up. She just looks you in the eye with her head cocked and keeps on telling you what she thinks.

Last night Bert Jr, practiced being a rooster again. We fed the CX's and watch them run into the brooder. There are about 20 that graze all day and do not like going in. Jr backed way off so we could not force hi in and ran around going to each group that was out and staying with them until we chase them in. Then he ran to another. When the last one went in, he went in.

I have no idea what he is doing, he is such a wimp he would never actually protect one.

There I wrote a long post, Now it is your turn.
I finally got a pic of my rooster from holm.
That is a beautiful boy from Holm. He does good work.
Good morning all. Yesterday I got pulled away from yard work, coop work, garden clean up work early to go to a birthday brunch in the morning (in St paul), and a wedding reception in Monticello in the afternoon. Am I the only one who now gets a little aggrivated when i can't stay home and work? My sister said I'm becoming a recluse. But there is only so much time in the day or fall, or summer, or spring... ;)
Ralphie, I feel for you. I've been avoiding that windows 10 button like the plague. But I know it is only a matter of time before my mouse accidentally clicks it. Terrible!
Have a great day everyone, should be another beautiful working day! (If people leave you alone) hahaha good luck!
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That is a beautiful boy from Holm. He does good work.
Good morning all. Yesterday I got pulled away from yard work, coop work, garden clean up work early to go to a birthday brunch in the morning (in St paul), and a wedding reception in Monticello in the afternoon. Am I the only one who now gets a little aggrivated when i can't stay home and work? My sister said I'm becoming a recluse. But there is only so much time in the day or fall, or summer, or spring...

Ralphie, I feel for you. I've been avoiding that windows 10 button like the plague. But I know it is only a matter of time before my mouse accidentally clicks it. Terrible!
Have a great day everyone, should be another beautiful working day! (If people leave you alone) hahaha good luck!

Did you go to Runnings while in Monticello?
Morning all! I have been gone a spell and missed out on 800 posts I think. Please forgive me for not taking 3 months to try and read everything I missed.

Someone tagged me a couple days ago, Mike I think @gofeedthegirls . Sorry if it was answered already but here is my 2 cents. Some one was asking about wintering ducks. I wintered ducks last year. I will attempt to do it again this year. I use the rubber dishes that even when frozen you can toss over and stomp on the frozen mass and the dish never breaks. I love those for the water fowl. I fill with warm water 3 times a day in the worst of the winter weather. I did not get huge ones either. Just big enough that the duck can get in and do its thing. Be careful that the ducks area has straw or hay so the ducks won't freeze to the ground with all the water coming out of the dish. Hope that helps.

By the way, I missed you all!!!! Just been super busy round here.

I got 2 pictures on game camera. Not great picture quality on the one I believe is wolf. The other one is a coyote a couple days ago. So I still need 'a better picture'.

Have a great day all!! What a beautiful autumn we are having!
She seems really anxious around the kittens and is always swallowing and licking her lips which is an odd behavior.  hopefully she settles down and gets friendly with the kittens as they are here to stay until they get several weeks older and can move outdoors.

Our dog gets the same way when he gets nervous. His drooling is in overdrive and he gets nervous dandruff. We've had to nick him a few times around the chickens as well. He loves them some days more than others :) I'm glad to see the kittens are doing well. Lucky for them you found them.
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