
Goodmorning: KlopKlop Rhetts lalaland duluthralphie coffee 1st scandiafowl

We are definitely peak colors. Nothing like an overcast day to let you see the glow. Love it and have been taking pictures today. Sunny days I get too much shadow.

Anyways here's some photos coming:

I only have a few sugar maples in the yard unfortunately and this is the best one. Every year I tell myself I should plant or transplant more in our yard.

The coop this morning. Buckeye having a drink.

The chicken yard. Watch your step!

The Girls coming up the hill.

Photo-Bomb by Daisy the Buckeye.

Sylvia in her feathers ready for winter. She molts and finishes in the summer. She's giving me eggs now as you can tell by her comb and wattles.

Road construction has my usual commute closed off. So I know a sneaky way that shortens the detour a bit. It's a single lane road...but is it ever beautiful this morning.

Ralphie: fun to see your Gangster Turkey on the deck. His tail is a fright. Poor thing. Life with the other gangster bachelors is a rough one I suppose. Pretty cool. Watch him so he doesn't give your pets cooties.
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Goodmorning: KlopKlop Rhetts lalaland duluthralphie

We are definitely peak colors. Nothing like an overcast day to let you see the glow. Love it and have been taking pictures today. Sunny days I get too much shadow.

Anyways here's some photos coming:

I only have a few sugar maples in the yard unfortunately and this is the best one. Every year I tell myself I should plant or transplant more in our yard.

The coop this morning. Buckeye having a drink.

The chicken yard.

The Girls coming up the hill.


Sylvia in her feathers ready for winter. She molts and finishes in the summer. She's giving me eggs now as you can tell by her comb and wattles.

Road construction has my usual commute closed off. So I know a sneaky way that shortens the detour a bit. It's a single lane road...but is it ever beautiful this morning.

Ralphie: fun to see your Gangster Turkey on the deck. His tail is a fright. Poor thing. Life with the other gangster bachelors is a rough one I suppose. Pretty cool. Watch him so he doesn't give your pets cooties.
LOVE LOVE your pics...trees are pretty, love your coop,girls are beautiful makes me want to take a walk and enjoy this time of year...
Sorry I am late to the show. With DW gone I had a lot more on my plate this morning than usual. We are literally a 3 ringed circus now.

It is hard to get it all done before work when I enjoy spending time in my 3 rings!
Feeding kittens is wild and fun. A sit on the floor and feed them. Their new game is to see which on can be the first one to climb up me and sit on my head. They eat really well and are growing quickly! Sounds like we can transition from bottle to dish next week which will be nice. They eat 5 times a day right now. They are also just figuring out purring which is adorable. Their little claws are like pins and needles but you can help but giggle as they claw their way up your clothing.

I plopped my Cornish into the roost at bedtime last night and it mostly worked. 2 hopped down to get into the nests.
Seeing the size of you when you picked up those Cornish, that is quite some exercise for he kittens to be climbing all the way to your head! LOL You are such a softy! I bet you are loving every minute of that chore. I know I would.

I think the Cornish are trainable. They will also discover that being with the fluffy chickens will be a warmer spot when the season continues to cool down.
Coffee, I don't think your problem is fowl pox, I have a rooster who gets that a couple of times a year. It is likely an ear infection caused from mites. Treat with ivermectin like Bogtown suggested. You can squeeze out the nastiness (try not to vomit, it is gross) and put some antibiotic in it. I have used the stuff I had for one of my dogs for this and it cleared up. Unfortunately, he seems to be a target for the mites. He is the only one I have had this problem with. The swelling is from having some much grossness in the ear canal and it is plugged.

If you feel you need to treat all the birds, you could go for Frontline dog formula, a couple drops on the shoulders (directly on the skin same as dogs) on each bird. It should control any external parasites. I know others who use it once in Spring and once in Fall on their birds, about the same treatment cycle for deworming. Good luck.
Ralphie it is one of my original girls. ive been watching them all and ive been noticing the last few days that my SLW is very mean she chases everyone all around the coop and run even when i let them run around the yard she chases everyone they wont even be around her and she will go running as fast as she can and head butts them kinda looks like she is chicken bowling. at 1st i thought it was funny but not its gone to far. not sure how to make her behave nice wish i could get a rooster...

im on my way to pick up Duramycin 10 has anyone ever used this before? found it at Fleet Farm for $5.59
For as much as it does anything helpful, you might as well pick up a pack of Kool-Aid instead of the Duramycin.

Hearing about your SLW is no surprise. I swear, every time someone contacts me or tells me about a mean hen, it is a hatchery SLW. You can put her in chicken jail for a few days and see if the flock will establish a new pecking order, then put her back out. I don't have high hopes, but you may be able to try it.
No those are two different breeds as far as I know. I think white Cornish and Plymouth rocks are crossed for the CX. Well specialized strains of the two I suppose....

Mine are dark Cornish and white laced red Cornish.

Uploading photos from my phone still doesn't work but here is a web photo of the WLR Cornish. They are really unique and beautiful
That one is probably a bantam, not too many LF WLRs out there.

When the whole CRX project began, they started with White Cornish and White Plymouth Rocks. However, those strains have been in use for decades. I will try finding the pictures I saw a while back on how those have evolved in the course of the last 70-years.

If you all want a good site to see just about every breed in the world, check out feathersite.com
For as much as it does anything helpful, you might as well pick up a pack of Kool-Aid instead of the Duramycin.

Hearing about your SLW is no surprise. I swear, every time someone contacts me or tells me about a mean hen, it is a hatchery SLW. You can put her in chicken jail for a few days and see if the flock will establish a new pecking order, then put her back out. I don't have high hopes, but you may be able to try it.
4 of my hatchery SLW's are sweet as pie, I had a fifth, she was not so nice. She became soup.
To be honest without trying to brag I would say my WLR girls are even better looking that bird. They have more pattern to them.

The credit goes to MCM for that though. She is the one I got them from.
Even though those ones are pretty, I do admit, they aren't correct in their color.

She has fantastic birds. The Cochins I got from her were unbelievable, it is such a shame they allowed themselves to be eaten by some nasty critter. I am going to be making more hoop coops and runs to keep the special birds in.
You both give me too much credit, but I do have SOME beautiful birds, but right now, everyone has feathers flying, except the Ameraucana who is done molting and laid an egg for me again this week!

4 of my hatchery SLW's are sweet as pie, I had a fifth, she was not so nice. She became soup.

I am not say they are all that way, but all the ones I hear about are SLWs. My BLRWs are the worst, or were, only have 2 left, broody Bs there are! They draw blood if I even get close to them because they come right at my hands. I learned to use gloves. They have never been mean to other birds. The only problem I had with any attacks from hens were a group of juvie Cornish (sorry, Klop, I think I told you about this one?) They not only drew blood, but they did this to their sister:

That is bone you see. She healed with a big scar on her head with only using BluKote. That is some amazing stuff!
Seeing the size of you when you picked up those Cornish, that is quite some exercise for he kittens to be climbing all the way to your head!  LOL  You are such a softy!  I bet you are loving every minute of that chore.  I know I would.

I think the Cornish are trainable.  They will also discover that being with the fluffy chickens will be a warmer spot when the season continues to cool down.

While it does take an inconvenient amount of time from my morning schedule, I do really enjoy it. They make it hard to start a day with a bad attitude :) they are getting more agile so I have to keep a close eye on them. They can get away from you quickly. They still weave and stumble like drunkards though haha

One of these days I will have to figure out how to tell the genders and name them. From my untrained eye it looks like I have 3 of one gender and one of the other based on whose 'parts' look the same. Not sure which parts are which though.

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