
Poodles are definitely stereotyped. With their French cut pompoms which I now know are joint Warmers. Lol. (Thanks Minnie.)

I'm on a diet people btw. If I get too snarky or grumpy, sarcastic know that it comes from my hungry gut and a lack of glucose to the brain. I'll try to filter my sharp tongue as much as possible. No excuse I know...but know you are all loved and I'm a dry humor person.

Ok with that out in the air for any who care...where were we?
Poodles. DH grew up with a very smart white standard. And then mil and FIL got a growling idiot with bad dentia toy poodle male. Horrible dog who I believe was alpha in the house. I hate that.
Poodles are definitely stereotyped. With their French cut pompoms which I now know are joint Warmers. Lol. (Thanks Minnie.)

I'm on a diet people btw. If I get too snarky or grumpy, sarcastic know that it comes from my hungry gut and a lack of glucose to the brain. I'll try to filter my sharp tongue as much as possible. No excuse I know...but know you are all loved and I'm a dry humor person.

Ok with that out in the air for any who care...where were we?
Poodles. DH grew up with a very smart white standard. And then mil and FIL got a growling idiot with bad dentia toy poodle male. Horrible dog who I believe was alpha in the house. I hate that.

The term us millennials use is 'hangry'- So hungry you are angry and irritable.

The more you know...
I should put up a reward for a male poodle to breed my dog on here, it seems with the people here someone knows someone who knows or knows of everything we need..

We must be a wide ranging group, I knew they were hunting dogs, just never knew or heard of anyone actually using them for that in last 200 years.

There is a hunting Poodle breeder up in your neck of the woods. I think they are called Big Spring or Big Sky or something like that. If you are serious, you could check with them.

EDITED: Here is another one: http://www.ben-chers-poodles.com
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Poodles are definitely stereotyped. With their French cut pompoms which I now know are joint Warmers. Lol. (Thanks Minnie.)

I'm on a diet people btw. If I get too snarky or grumpy, sarcastic know that it comes from my hungry gut and a lack of glucose to the brain. I'll try to filter my sharp tongue as much as possible. No excuse I know...but know you are all loved and I'm a dry humor person.

Ok with that out in the air for any who care...where were we?
Poodles. DH grew up with a very smart white standard. And then mil and FIL got a growling idiot with bad dentia toy poodle male. Horrible dog who I believe was alpha in the house. I hate that.

I would NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER own a little poodle. NOTHING like a Standard. When they shrunk them down, all that was left of their brain was the part that tells them to be nasty little biting machines.
I would NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER own a little poodle. NOTHING like a Standard. When they shrunk them down, all that was left of their brain was the part that tells them to be nasty little biting machines.

That is so true!

When we traveled we always ran into problems, places would not take big dogs, no dogs over 35 pounds is the rule most the time. So all the campgrounds had was nosey, snippy little ******* (I know you are only seeing ****. in the campgrounds. Instead of my large friendly quiet never bite anything lab. I assume it was because of the large poop. BUT we always picked up our large sack of poop. So many of the little dog owners looked both ways to see if they could walk away. But then it was a little poop.

My Neighbors in Florida were all from NYC. They all had little dogs with the same personality the owners had. I am hoping to meet a really nice person from NYC someday.
Poodles have semi webbed feet like a lab as well. And being so tall, they can get thru the thick stuff like champs. I've only hunted with a few, but they were pretty legit dogs. My next hunting dog is going to be a wire haired griffon.
Well, I guess I will pick up that jacket right before thanksgiving. Too bad because it won't any use till spring then.

The livers I was given are soaking in milk right now and are about to be turned into terrine. It will be done with brandy so don't be so quick to disapprove. They will be fantastic.
What is the purpose of soaking them in milk? is that special to terrine (i dont know what that is) or is that a good practice for any liver dish?

Edit: I googled terrine. is it similar to braunschweiger but with larger bits instead of smooth?
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6:45 and im already in due to darkness :(

Your daily photos :)

A funny photo my wife posted on my Facebook today. i thought you would enjoy it

Despite the wind we took the dogs walking. They absolutly love chasing eachother around the freshly mown hay fields. They run and run and run then come home and sleep all evening. This brings me much joy :)

My pitiful attempts at snapping a shot of the WLR cornish. They are so skittish and hide under the roost/poop board. I need to find a camera with a zoom! that would yield much nicer chicken photos since most dont like me getting iPhone photo close...


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