
I had to smile when I read about Minnie's pet peeve related to color name. She is right to a degree. As the for lack of better description light blue feathering was titled long ago by the APA hierarchy as Self Blue.
For some the term Lavender is a cutesy or marketing title, but also for others it is an attempt to correct the record. That feather color is the result of a gene which is officially titled Lavender.
I am a purebred enthusiast, but I don't criticize people that want to have crossbred or Heinz 57 chickens. I do not like it when people call a crosssbred by some breed name.
Self Blue or Lavender, I don't care what you call it. I know what is being communicated. I am waiting for someone to develop a bird which is Sky Blue Pink. Ralphie there is a challenge for you.
Good Morning all..

Scandia, I am glad you had a great commute today...

I had a terrible one back from my job at Grandpa Daycare last night. There was an accident on 494 just north of Minnetonka blvd. I was thinking I should have set up camp there.

Minnie, I have to wonder how retarded the rooster was if he managed to be number 16 getting caught..

Did any more eggs hatch?

I have to admit I have used the term lavender, I know it is wrong, but some people just do not seem to understand self blue, I guess I kind of look at self blue as being the technical term for the process or genetics of the bird and lavender as the color, even though they do not look lavender to me. However, I sometimes play it a little loose with terms and names.

I think it would be funny to have a chicken that chases dogs, but I worry about what happens if the dog decides to not be chased. Most dogs have way sharper and larger teeth than most chickens.

that is a lot of worms. Maybe your new dog will eat them. If not open a bait store and sell them, you might meet a rich single farmer, with a chicken coop that owns a boat and likes to fish. I know if Judy every leaves me, I will be looking for a rich single woman that owns a farm, nice boat, twin engine plane and likes to fish......BTW, It could be any day now she yelled at me this morning for no reason at all! It appears I turned to wrong light on before she was ready to get out of bed.

Two more days to get ready for winter, then more daycare services.

On a really terrible note, even though the people buying our home in Florida were "pre-qualified" for more than the price of our house. The bank has decided they are credit worthy. So back to square one. it torques me a tad, it was the same bank that pre-qualified them that now turned them down. What really gets me is why did it take 6 weeks for them to decide that, We are a little over a week from closing now, could they not have figured that out 5 weeks ago?
I don't think he was hiding, he was just lolly gagging around in the far corner of the pasture, probably lost. If you were here to see his behavior, you would totally see what I mean. He got the snot beat out of him by all the others, so maybe his brain got frazzled. He was just lucky is all. Oh, he was the moron that got himself stuck behind a piece of lattice work and a wire divider and dislocated his wing getting out before I could get back with the tools to get him out. I will walk out with the feed bucket and he runs up and runs into it or my leg. I will put feed in a feeder and he goes at it like he is starving, which clearly he is not, then as soon as I go to the next feeder, he does the same thing, following me all over the place like each feeder is his first meal in a week. Maybe I should dub him Scooby Doo, always hungry.

I am taking those two dumped off cats to the Humane Society today. I have to open the garage they're in and it won't end well if I have them in there when I do. We need to get up to the chiropractor in Red Wing anyway, so I might as well take them along. They seem really sweet, which makes me even more angry that someone dumped them off.

There are birds that are called Lavender, and the color genetics with them is actually different. There are Lavender Guineas, and then there are some varieties in the Game breeds that are called Lavender as well. It just confuses the matter when people who don't know what they are doing go slapping a label on something like that. That is different from developing a new combination of colors then calling it something because it IS new.

I thought Judy liked the lights on?
Arrived at work ten minutes ago. I like my commute this early. Most folks are still making coffee :)

Last night the obnoxious roosters who are destined for the freezer were segregated. I'll butcher them tonight.
Am feeling a bit sentimental about Jen, the first chick I helped hatch. Darn it all - why couldn't he have been a hen!
Murphy's Law
Morning all!

I was startled this morning when I went out to open coops and there was a barred rock hen sitting on the ramp huddled against the pop door. Poor girl was stuck out all night.
I am glad she didn't get munched. It happens sometimes though, they just forget where they are supposed to be, kind of like husbands and kids.
I had to smile when I read about Minnie's pet peeve related to color name. She is right to a degree. As the for lack of better description light blue feathering was titled long ago by the APA hierarchy as Self Blue.
For some the term Lavender is a cutesy or marketing title, but also for others it is an attempt to correct the record. That feather color is the result of a gene which is officially titled Lavender.
I am a purebred enthusiast, but I don't criticize people that want to have crossbred or Heinz 57 chickens. I do not like it when people call a crosssbred by some breed name.
Self Blue or Lavender, I don't care what you call it. I know what is being communicated. I am waiting for someone to develop a bird which is Sky Blue Pink. Ralphie there is a challenge for you.

I gotta admit, I never thought of it that way. Thanks for bringing that up. I have been on quite a few discussions on various forums and had not seen that brought up, but that would be a reasonable explanation and possibly a good point. I do think it began as a marketing ploy though.
I agree about the crossbreed thing. A mutt is a mutt. It drives me crazy how many people don't understand that making an F1 cross does not mean you made a new breed. Look at all the designer dogs around. That is not advanced genetics either, they teach this stuff in 7th and 8th grade! I learned it in the early 80's in high school, so it isn't that new for them to be teaching it.
And don't get me s tarted on the other pet peeve of EEs Versus Amerauacanas and Araucanas!
That is the fault of the danged hatcheries who advertise their mutts as Ameraucana/Araucanas. It is not that difficult to correct for them either, so I don't know why the continue to do it.
Have you figured out a quail coop/run yet? I found this while perusing YouTube last night. Kind of a near setup. I watched a few of this kids videos and he traps wild quail to keep for dog training. Definitely from somewhere up north here by his accent :)


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