
To those that have lost chickens: I'm always sorry to hear about it, every time I open the pen for free range time I get a little worry. But they love freedom :) and I love mine so ...
Minnie sorry about the Mini salmon favs. And klop another hen? Oh shoot. Completely frustrating. Especially a nice productive hen. That's tough.

That is terrible, sorry about your losses. :(

Oh, I never gave my condolences on the lost hens either... So here it is Condolences...

And Kloppers a HUGE condolence on not being able to get another shotgun. Wives can be so unreasonable when it comes to new guns. I find it is better to buy it, and sneak it into the gun case, Once it is there they assume it has always been there. To wives all guns look alike. And if she by chance should ask how long have you had that gun? Or Is that a new gun...

Your reply has to be vague and a stock answer..

"Oh, I don't know. Let me think. I have had it a long time, not sure when I got it".

Problem is I don't even have one shotgun... I am deprived. My thought was I could leverage her sudden desire to learn to handle a gun and bank on her needing a gun she could hit something with. I was thinking it would be a shot to get a 410 into the collection and maybe piggyback a 12 gauge while i was at it :)

It does bother me that I own guns and she refuses to even learn proper gun handling techniques but I guess I have to settle for her adamant refusal to even touch one.

They offer women only gun classes, I took one in Rogers at the gun range there, a wonderful older lady held the class, I'll try to find the info. The rogers cabelas also offers them I believe, with extension classes in st. Cloud. Maybe she would be more interested with a lady teacher and all lady class. ..
At the risk of being banned from the Minnesota board: I can't believe y'all are so UNappreciative.of the snowLOL

Move back here for a few years and see what you think of winters.....
I'd like to buy something for the house and coyote management but frankly, I'm ignorant beyond a .22.

Ralphie, isn't somewhere in your resume a course on guns?

Only knowing the general area in which you live, I am guessing Kloppers mentioned the right gun for you. A .410. It does not have an overly strong recoil. It is more than adequate to dispatch predators, yet does not have the range you need to worry about hitting someone's property or person (this does not mean you do not have to exercise care.

You would need a couple different sizes of shot for it. If you decide you need to use a slug, becareful as they have LOTS of range. Also if you want to use a slug, I suggest you get one with a removal barrel so you can have a slug barrel and a shot barrel. Shot will ruin a slug barrel, and slugs out of a shot barrel are harder to control.

The best thing with a .410 is it would give you great Mother/daughter time. It is the perfect gun to teach a child gun safety and how to handle a gun without scaring them with a briused shoulder.

Do not discount the enjoyment of shooting cans or clay pigeons with a kid. It is a great generational activity.

I hope this helps you. I am sure others will disagree, but gun opinions are like belly buttons, everyone has one and all are different.

NOTE how well I cleaned up what I really wanted to say there!!
KlopKlop, I think you may have gotten off on the wrong foot in this marriage adventure. You could have done as I did and get your wife a 20 gauge over/under as her wedding present. She seemed pleased and has not threatened me with it even once.
KlopKlop, I think you may have gotten off on the wrong foot in this marriage adventure.  You could have done as I did and get your wife a 20 gauge over/under as her wedding present.  She seemed pleased and has not threatened me with it even once.

Much smarter than I was EJB. I took my wife out to go shooting, however, I grabbed my favorite shotgun at the time, A Remington 1100 12 ga.

I told her to hold the gun real tight and be prepared for the "kick". She did not hold it tight. I tried to warn her, but she refused to really hug it.

She shot, she screamed, threw my gun into the dirt and started crying and has refused to shoot since. She does not mind my guns but will not even try to shoot another. Stupid me, I should have grabbed a 410.

Kloppers, while I love my 17, if Scandiafowl is anywhere near neighbors the range could be a problem and if she has a 22 already, I think the 410 is a better choice... See we both have a belly button!
Move back here for a few years and see what you think of winters.....
Only knowing the general area in which you live, I am guessing Kloppers mentioned the right gun for you. A .410. It does not have an overly strong recoil. It is more than adequate to dispatch predators, yet does not have the range you need to worry about hitting someone's property or person (this does not mean you do not have to exercise care.

You would need a couple different sizes of shot for it. If you decide you need to use a slug, becareful as they have LOTS of range. Also if you want to use a slug, I suggest you get one with a removal barrel so you can have a slug barrel and a shot barrel. Shot will ruin a slug barrel, and slugs out of a shot barrel are harder to control.

The best thing with a .410 is it would give you great Mother/daughter time. It is the perfect gun to teach a child gun safety and how to handle a gun without scaring them with a briused shoulder.

Do not discount the enjoyment of shooting cans or clay pigeons with a kid. It is a great generational activity.

I hope this helps you. I am sure others will disagree, but gun opinions are like belly buttons, everyone has one and all are different.

NOTE how well I cleaned up what I really wanted to say there!!

I thought the saying was 'opinions are like a**holes... We all have one and they all stink!'


You raise good points on a 410 vs a .17

I didn't even know they made 410 slugs
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@Drea07 Maybe you can rig up something like this over your bigger run?
http://cdn.backyardchickens.com/5/5...0fixed2520hen2520yard252020062520-252002.jpeg you coud use the tree as one of the middle posts and then a post, or if you have two trees you can use those.

Here is a link to the directions:
Hawk shield

scroll down topost #3258

Thank you! That is a really good idea! I will have to have my hubby help me put this together this weekend.

Thankfully there have not been any more losses, the girls and the ducks go in the coop on their own now, so I just have to close the door and not round everyone up.

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