
so i let old biddy out of her pen this morning to run with the other hens and eat/drink from the regular places. DW says she was on the nest again when she picked eggs at 5pm and threw her off. when i just went out for lockup she was on the roost with the rest of the hens. I will decide tomorrow if i want to pen her again if she is on the nest in the morning when i go out.

Ralphie, that is a bodacious turkey! You MUST share photos of it blanchranch.
Why is my stupid rooster crowing at 0330?
Mine were crowing at 0100 the other night when i got up to pee. I cannot for the life of me figure out what made them do that. It was just normal crowing like I normally hear at 0430.

klopklop and Minnie, so sorry about your birds.

Minnie, when you plant tulips in a big pot, do you leave the pot outside all winter long? bury it in hay? I did get my bulbs in Sat but barely. Have to go to FF today, and you know they will probably have bulbs on clearance. Mine often get eaten by the deer but I like seeing them the few days that they survive.

waiting for daylight....want to let the flock out to eat fresh green grass and clover and all, for a bit before I head down to the cities to spend time with baby. My daughter asked if I could come hold baby so she could try to sleep. I figure it is the last time the flock will have greens before a hard freeze. I can't believe I still have stuff growing!
I gave up on tulips. The stinking gophers and moles eat them all. I planted daffodils and allium. I have some hyacinth and if i have to, I will put them in large pots and put them in the corner by the garage until Spring starts to thaw and set them by the steps so i can smell their wonderful scent every time I walk by them. I wanted to make some raised beds by the patio and back step, but I haven't gotten to that yet and probably won't until Spring.

What are your intentions with the quail?
They woud be cool to have, but, I do not want a hard bird to take care of. And Judy might smoother me in my sleep if I get some.

Ralphie, are your those quails' father, I am sure lala's intention are honorable!!!

Much smarter than I was EJB. I took my wife out to go shooting, however, I grabbed my favorite shotgun at the time, A Remington 1100 12 ga.

I told her to hold the gun real tight and be prepared for the "kick". She did not hold it tight. I tried to warn her, but she refused to really hug it.

She shot, she screamed, threw my gun into the dirt and started crying and has refused to shoot since. She does not mind my guns but will not even try to shoot another. Stupid me, I should have grabbed a 410.

Kloppers, while I love my 17, if Scandiafowl is anywhere near neighbors the range could be a problem and if she has a 22 already, I think the 410 is a better choice... See we both have a belly button!
I think the 410 is the other gun my husband wants to get. I can't tell you what is what.

North Carolina as I told Ralph before send all y'alls snow here LOL
I got stuck in NC one time because it snowed, and they had nothing to remove it off I-95 with, so we had to pull off and wait until it melted or enough semi truckers drove through to run some tracks. SMH
I lived in Florida and San Diego and Virginia Beach, and I will take my snow with the rest of the seasonal changes. That hot, humid stuff all the time is boring.

I would say you have not taken advantage of her anger over the recent loss and set her up plinking some fun tin can targets. I would also say Kloppers you need to put on your big boy pants and just go get one.

Actually I can't imagine a farm not having a shotgun. There about as necessary as the tractor. Yeah. Explain it is a necessary tool for the farm.

.22 is my go-to gun. Not crazy about shotguns...but maybe I need to expand my horizons. DH is after me to utilize a shotgun instead for preds.

I would not trade my birds' freedom for anything. I love that they can go where they want. I'm with you.

I will tell you this. My son shoots Trap for a High School Sport. They did really well this year. You want to know who the number one team is? Buffalo. And coached by a beautiful blonde woman who has those kids shooting straight 50's, 75's and 100's. She's a helluva coach, I think.
Who knows. But Pink keeps it so it won't be "borrowed" by a male in the house. Pink ensures property lines. Those Pink Tool kits with Pink hammer handles and pink pliers. Were made with a very good reason...so they would not grow legs and end up on husbands' tool benches and be lost forever in their abyss.

First, I must agree. If you have a farm, then at least a .22 is necessary to deal with all sorts of predators. I like shooting a gun, and it doesn't matter what size, I like shooting. However, I don't hunt. I am actually a good shot, but I don't do anything but skunks, rats, and anything that is after my birds. I like shooting handguns, but I see no good reason to have one, so chalk that up to having done it and moving on.

I don't like those dainty little pink tools, not tough enough for me to use. If all I needed them for was to fix a little this or that around the house, then they might work, both otherwise, no thanks. Plus, it doesn't matter what color tools or anything is around here, unless you hide it in a tampon box, it will disappear.
Me too, I was sure I was going to get 200 for it.
You had the price a little higher than I did, I said I charged $3.25/lb. If you can get more than I said though, you go for it.

and here I was thinking I really needed to expand my gun knowledge as have never heard of a pin gun!

you know, it is raining like the dickens And there is nothing better than coming home (that was a hellacious drive in the storm) in pouring rain and finding every chicken tucked in nicely in the coop, and every little quail on the roost. Nice!

got lots of time to hold the new baby. Do you know, you aren't supposed to have a blanket with the babies anymore. My daughter, being a new mom, was worried when I popped the baby in the moses basket with a light weight little receiving blanket. She insisted I stay right next to the baby to make sure she didn't smother.

My mother had 11 of us, and she swaddles babies so tight, they never get wiggled out and they love it! In fact, you really had to work to get those babies out of it!
She is sweet as pie. I love little babies SOOOOO much!!!
The last three days sure haven't been fun. Trouble with things at school again, and I am just tired.

I finally got rid of the last of the cull cockerels tonight. So, funny story...
Okay, it really wasn't funny and I was really, let's say, angry when it was happening.
I posted those birds to CL, as I always do and actually have had them up there for a while. I was asking $8 each for the large breed and something like $5 for bantams. I know full well that at swaps, these same birds will sell for $15 each, so I am already being more than generous with my advertised price. YET, I get inquiries every time asking if I will take $3 or $4 each. Can you imagine how angry it might make a person such as myself to always have these people trying to get something I have had worked hard on and spent money on and just expect me to sell it to them for next to nothing? I actually lose money selling at my asking price, so it is insult. Okay, I don't meant to make this an angry rant.
So, I get this person asking my price for all of them. I tell them a price that included a discount for the whole lot. They try to barter me down another $30. No way, but I would come down $10 more and that was it. Well, then they don't answer, but had said they would come Wednesday. So yesterday, I hadn't heard from them and sent them a message. They replied that yes, they would take them and will be here at 2:00. Today, I looked at the weather and sent them a message, "If you can get here earlier, please let me know. It is supposed to storm this afternoon." So, it is close to 1:30 and I have to get my son from school. I get a message, "We are running a little late. Is 4:00 okay?" Two hours is a bit more than running a little late. Okay, I could do 4:00, so I said, okay, I have to run to town again at 3:30, but I should be back, no problem. I am finishing chores and it is getting to be 4:00. By this time the storms can be heard and it is sprinkling. I got chores all done and finished moving all the roosters out to cages instead of leaving any in pens where I would have to catch them and carry them out when they got here. It is after 4:00, so I send a text and ask if they are close, "Oh yes, just slow driving because of rain."
Wanna guess what time they showed up? 5:30!!!!!!!!!!!!! By this time, it was pouring. By this time, it was dark. By this time the birds were all soaked. By this time, I was furious.
Before they get here though, I see a car across the field that came up the road from the highway and it stopped at our neighbor's house and turned around... let's just skip the stupidity that happened then and say it took 5 minutes to explain that if they looked to the south, they would be looking right at my coops and they needed to go around the corner and into my driveway.
When they parked, I tried to keep my composure, but I got my original asking price and no less after having to wait and put up with all that because they were so rude.
Okay, the funny is that apparently, they must have thought they would travel at light speed to get here by 4:00, because it is clear that they left St. Paul at 4:00. It is exactly 1 hour from St. Paul to our house in most weather. It is incredible that people can be like that. If it were just being late, that is one thing, but under the conditions of the weather and the fact is was dark. Then again, perhaps they were thinking they were crossing into the next time zone?
Then as they are leaving, "They look like nice birds. Maybe we can get more again?" Yeah, if you can be here on time and you pay my full price, then maybe I will do business with you.
I just wanted to be rid of those birds and not feed them any more. Plus, I had to giggle a little. They hauled them back in their mini-van in cages. Those birds were soaked and had poop on them and I bet their van stinks to high heavens! LOL Good for them!

I was planning to keep this one gorgeous black cockerel, a black Easter Egger who just shined and was calm and would let me pick him up (which I rarely do, but he was just such a pretty boy and so calm). I went into the pen today, and that little a-hole came after me and dug into my leg and started flogging. After making it abundantly clear that I was not at all impressed with is display, he went home with those nice people for dinner. It isn't like I needed to keep any more roosters, so he won't be too missed. In the years I have had chickens and with the thousands I have had here, I have never had one do that to me.
I will have to take inventory again and see what I have left to pen up in the next few days. I know my feed bill just dropped significantly and I am happy about that.

Now it is time to give the brooder house a thorough cleaning and get it ready too for the next season, although, for that I still have a while. I still need to take care of some coops and hoops and poops. We are supposed to have a handful of good days left to get some of this done, so maybe I will be ready before it really gets ugly out. I have been known to be working in the chicken yard on Thanksgiving in my flannel lined jeans and Carhart coat and heavy duty gloves. I have also been known to be putting metal roofing on when we were getting 3" of slush. I think I hit my head on something along the way that i don't do this stuff when it is actually nice weather out.

Well, I hope that was enough reading for some of you. I gotta get to bed. I have a meeting with the principal in the morning.
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Minnie, your story goes to reinforce my thinking with regard to selling birds to anyone. They can die of old age or predation before I put up with idiots.
On a serious note, anyone wishing to start a novice in shooting a gun could be well advised to start them with a .22 caliber and low velocity short cartridges. No recoil and very little noise. I live in a suburban but mostly rural area and use the low velocity shorts to dispatch varmints. It does not make enough noise to disturb the walkers, joggers or cyclists.
My wife used long rifle cartridges to eliminate predators that are chasing her Shih Tzu's.
so i let old biddy out of her pen this morning to run with the other hens and eat/drink from the regular places.  DW says she was on the nest again when she picked eggs at 5pm and threw her off.  when i just went out for lockup she was on the roost with the rest of the hens.  I will decide tomorrow if i want to pen her again if she is on the nest in the morning when i go out.  

Ralphie, that is a bodacious turkey!  You MUST share photos of it blanchranch.  
Old biddy was off the nest this morning. Woo hoo!
"I got stuck in NC one time because it snowed, and they had nothing to remove it off I-95 with, so we had to pull off and wait until it melted or enough semi truckers drove through to run some tracks. SMH
I lived in Florida and San Diego and Virginia Beach, and I will take my snow with the rest of the seasonal changes. That hot, humid stuff all the time is boring."

Yeah NC is generally like Kentucky when it comes.to.snow " God put it there , God can take it away " the state has two snow plows and one of them is used for parts LOL
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and here I was thinking I really needed to expand my gun knowledge as have never heard of a pin gun! you know, it is raining like the dickens And there is nothing better than coming home (that was a hellacious drive in the storm) in pouring rain and finding every chicken tucked in nicely in the coop, and every little quail on the roost. Nice! got lots of time to hold the new baby. Do you know, you aren't supposed to have a blanket with the babies anymore. My daughter, being a new mom, was worried when I popped the baby in the moses basket with a light weight little receiving blanket. She insisted I stay right next to the baby to make sure she didn't smother.
Absolutely precious. What a joy!

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