
I believe this to all be relative for each person. First and foremost the consideration of whether it is the husband or the wife that created the disturbance. Women are far more forgiving - LOL. The husband is entitled to do as he wishes and the wife must accept it, get used to it, and get over it. LOL. This is fun!

Where do I find this forgiving woman that feels I am entitled to do what I want?

Hey all, I'm from mn too! I'm the one who had the lemon cuckoo roosters. I laughed after reading some of the posts on here. You guys are such a fun group, excited to find you on here (thanks Ivie! And no, I want trying to get rid of you lol, they were both roos... One is gone and one left now).

Now for the shpeel... I'm sending out a help plea. If you guys know of anyone that needs a purebred roo, I'm selling a bunch of mine. Apparently I have amazing luck at hatching out roos. I don't want them to have to go to butcher, they are too nice. So, if you could spread the word, that would be awesome! I live in Farmington. Thanks for sharing it, here's the craigslist link:http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/dak/grd/5287456028.html

On another note not necessarily chicken related, I'm a master gardener for mn so if you all have any questions on gardening, plants, etc just lmk and I can get answers if I don't know them!!
we've actually been getting a lot of chicken questions lately too! Plants that can hurt or benefit chickens, if people rent chickens out to eat bugs in yards (yes, they do! Too funny, I just learned that this year!), and how fertilizers effect chickens.

Thank you all and I'm still a fairly newbie with chickens. This is my first full year. I was very specific in ordering purebred orpington eggs from English flocks with good lines like hinckj (ok, that's likely spelled different), to start my flock after having some bad experiences with mail order/large hatchery chicks. I hatched them out in a brinsea and it was fantastic. Now I'm working at just breeding for resistance, durability, and dual purpose with better egg production. I'd like to eventually breed in some really unusual orpington colors... I'm not sure what colors are left to be created... but I think I'm going to try to find them! I know that will be going away from color standards so I'm a little nervous of it too, for being able to sell mixed color orpingtons... and not "pure" colored ones. Ok, this post is super long, sorry!

Well welcome to this crrraaaazzzzyyy group of chicken lovers. It will be fun to read your posts.
Where do I find this forgiving woman that feels I am entitled to do what I want?


I dunno - Match.com? I think, have never looked at one of these types of sites, that you can put in the criteria you are looking for and they match it for you. EHarmony? It seems that you have multiple issues Ralphie. Chickens and now you have added the kitchen gadget thing. I cause alot more ruckus around here though. ANYTHING I do does it and I have to laugh and tell him I wub u and thanks for wubbing me. He has gone out to purchase a 750 with scope something or other which is suppose to be good for hunting varmits, i.e., coyote.
I dunno - Match.com? I think, have never looked at one of these types of sites, that you can put in the criteria you are looking for and they match it for you. EHarmony? It seems that you have multiple issues Ralphie. Chickens and now you have added the kitchen gadget thing. I cause alot more ruckus around here though. ANYTHING I do does it and I have to laugh and tell him I wub u and thanks for wubbing me. He has gone out to purchase a 750 with scope something or other which is suppose to be good for hunting varmits, i.e.,
I am sure I will kick the bull with something very soon. Its always humorousness to find out what it will be this time. Once, while relaxing with my DS and DDIL and DH I folded a bag of chips and did it wrong. Now I know and whenever any of us is about to fold a bag of anything we call the DH attention to the fact and to make sure it is folded correctly. Gotta laugh. Its precious!
Thank you for the nice welcomes.@Bogtown, master gardener is a title given by the University of Minnesota... I'm not actually a master of it for sure! I just have access to a lot of information and people, through the university that I can get questions answered and have lots of good resources. It basically means I get to learn all about plants and volunteer a ton of time to have a funny title. That would be pretty cocky (Sorry, bad pun on a chicken site) if I said I was a master of it! This is my first official year of being a UMN master gardener volunteer. We all specialize in different areas of our own interest, I love growing plants to sell and plant in my CSA and saving seeds/making cuttings. I tried uploading a picture from my phone of my garden, but I don't think it worked. :( it never wants to upload from my phone.

Apparently my name from above would be Pepe Messy-Dressing, yikes!
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i decided to take advantage of the night in to catch up on farm paperwork. Ive got to get the last 3 months of chicken expenses entered into my books. I have been trying to keep meticulous books since i am new to the farm tax jazz.

PS the wind and dark didnt keep me in tonight. I scooped out poopy coops, washed and refilled all my waterers, filled feeders, picked a record high of 48 eggs, plus spent some time hanging in the coop with my hens. they were suprisingly friendly today and many that i cant usually touch let me pet them. it was very nice!
Good luck with the paperwork! When it is dark and they are on or going to the roost they are always nicer and let you pet and fondle them, that is when I give them a look over, feel their crops to make sure they are all eating, pet them etc. they are trapped wuaahhahaaaa...

To give you an idea of the size of thos. That roasting pan is huge and my center island is over 3' x 6'.
OMG, that thing is huge! How do you get that in the oven? build a special brick outdoors oven? thinking of that, My neighbor built a brick outdoor pizza oven, for ever we couldn't figure out what it was, so I asked. He took a massonry class and made the oven.

My thoughts exactly, Ralphie sitting down with coffee , and what? only 18 posts to read.

ok, the no snowsuit in the car. I've had that argument with my daughter.
I'm incredulous. "You mean, it is -30 below and you are putting that baby in a light weight onsie? "
Amy says, well the car will be warmed up and the carseat is in the house, so it is warm.
I say, " and when the car goes in a ditch?"

honestly. she was raised in minnesota. she knows you don't go in the car in the winter if you are leaving the metro area without storm supplies, extra boots, etc. what in the sam hill is she thinking?
No, way.

Quote: This is true, going to work a couple of years ago I came across a car in the ditch, don't know how long she had been there, plenty of people must have passed her. I didn't want to stop as I was scared (down in the ditch, dark out, freezing, etc) It was november. God made me go back, I argued for 2 miles, then went back scared stiff. Poor lady was unresponsive, dang near frozen. I tried my cell, didn't work down in the ditch, so had to climb up back up to the road and call. Elk River fire and rescue came. by then I got her responsive and talking, said a deer ran out. we were only about 3 miles from town, I think she was coming from the walmart (walmart bags all over the back seat) If I didn't stop she may have froze to death before someone stopped. The car looked empty, she was slumped over with her head below the steering wheel. She only had a flimsy lightweight sweatshirt on...

ok, well,.....i did a little online research and I guess my daughter is right about no snowsuit with the carseat. apparently you have to pile on the blankets after baby is buckled in.
BS, take the above scenario, ditch, parent knocked out, blankets fly all over, baby freeze to death. I don't buy into this at all. We are all smarter than this in Minnesota.

Hey all, I'm from mn too! I'm the one who had the lemon cuckoo roosters. I laughed after reading some of the posts on here. You guys are such a fun group, excited to find you on here (thanks Ivie! And no, I want trying to get rid of you lol, they were both roos... One is gone and one left now).

Now for the shpeel... I'm sending out a help plea. If you guys know of anyone that needs a purebred roo, I'm selling a bunch of mine. Apparently I have amazing luck at hatching out roos. I don't want them to have to go to butcher, they are too nice. So, if you could spread the word, that would be awesome! I live in Farmington. Thanks for sharing it, here's the craigslist link:http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/dak/grd/5287456028.html

On another note not necessarily chicken related, I'm a master gardener for mn so if you all have any questions on gardening, plants, etc just lmk and I can get answers if I don't know them!!
we've actually been getting a lot of chicken questions lately too! Plants that can hurt or benefit chickens, if people rent chickens out to eat bugs in yards (yes, they do! Too funny, I just learned that this year!), and how fertilizers effect chickens.

Thank you all and I'm still a fairly newbie with chickens. This is my first full year. I was very specific in ordering purebred orpington eggs from English flocks with good lines like hinckj (ok, that's likely spelled different), to start my flock after having some bad experiences with mail order/large hatchery chicks. I hatched them out in a brinsea and it was fantastic. Now I'm working at just breeding for resistance, durability, and dual purpose with better egg production. I'd like to eventually breed in some really unusual orpington colors... I'm not sure what colors are left to be created... but I think I'm going to try to find them! I know that will be going away from color standards so I'm a little nervous of it too, for being able to sell mixed color orpingtons... and not "pure" colored ones. Ok, this post is super long, sorry!
Welcome, can't wait to see the different colors you come up with, should be fun!

All right guys, here's a fun little game for us! Tell everyone your turkey name!! I'll start.... Mine's TROTS GRAVY-TRAIN

Hot Bunns St. Cranberry

Do any of you guys notice that your girls eat more calcium/oyster shell this time of year? I used to fill the 'free choice feeder' once a month now it emptied in 10 days or so.

Maybe it is just because more and more of my pullets are becoming regular layers and are eating it??
Mine are eating almost no oyster shell, I only have one laying out of 5 right now, and her sporatically.

Thank you for the nice welcomes.@Bogtown, master gardener is a title given by the University of Minnesota... I'm not actually a master of it for sure! I just have access to a lot of information and people, through the university that I can get questions answered and have lots of good resources. It basically means I get to learn all about plants and volunteer a ton of time to have a funny title. That would be pretty cocky (Sorry, bad pun on a chicken site) if I said I was a master of it! This is my first official year of being a UMN master gardener volunteer. We all specialize in different areas of our own interest, I love growing plants to sell and plant in my CSA and saving seeds/making cuttings. I tried uploading a picture from my phone of my garden, but I don't think it worked.
it never wants to upload from my phone.

Apparently my name from above would be Pepe Messy-Dressing, yikes!
Iphone with updated software? then yes, it won't work. Sorry! people on here are battling that one. Android? may be just something weird happened, try again.
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Hey, @Minniechickmama can do it! I hatched all hens from her eggs!
Thanks for the credit but it was pure chance. I am so glad how you scored a 100% with them though.

All right guys, here's a fun little game for us! Tell everyone your turkey name!! I'll start.... Mine's TROTS GRAVY-TRAIN

Salty Wishbone Jones

I dunno - Match.com? I think, have never looked at one of these types of sites, that you can put in the criteria you are looking for and they match it for you. EHarmony? It seems that you have multiple issues Ralphie. Chickens and now you have added the kitchen gadget thing. I cause alot more ruckus around here though. ANYTHING I do does it and I have to laugh and tell him I wub u and thanks for wubbing me. He has gone out to purchase a 750 with scope something or other which is suppose to be good for hunting varmits, i.e., coyote.

Show a little leg and say in a sexy voice, "Hubba Hubba", you will have him wrapped around your finger. LOL!!!

I am sure I will kick the bull with something very soon. Its always humorousness to find out what it will be this time. Once, while relaxing with my DS and DDIL and DH I folded a bag of chips and did it wrong. Now I know and whenever any of us is about to fold a bag of anything we call the DH attention to the fact and to make sure it is folded correctly. Gotta laugh. Its precious!
Are you related to me?!?!?!

Thank you for the nice welcomes.@Bogtown, master gardener is a title given by the University of Minnesota... I'm not actually a master of it for sure! I just have access to a lot of information and people, through the university that I can get questions answered and have lots of good resources. It basically means I get to learn all about plants and volunteer a ton of time to have a funny title. That would be pretty cocky (Sorry, bad pun on a chicken site) if I said I was a master of it! This is my first official year of being a UMN master gardener volunteer. We all specialize in different areas of our own interest, I love growing plants to sell and plant in my CSA and saving seeds/making cuttings. I tried uploading a picture from my phone of my garden, but I don't think it worked.
it never wants to upload from my phone.

Apparently my name from above would be Pepe Messy-Dressing, yikes!

Hey! A kindred spirit! A long story, but I was going to do the Master Gardener program, but passed. I start all of our seeds and plant way more garden than we ever can keep up with, and even tried the Farmer's Market avenue for a couple of years but found it didn't pay off. We have talked for years of doing a CSA but life gets to busy with kids and hubby's job (and my chicken obsession) that we haven't done it. We planted a lot of fruit this year, and are talking about expanding that as an income bearing venture. We will see.
Welcome to the group! be careful though, before you know it, Ralphie will have to raising turkeys and guineas and Toads and Creamettes right alongside him! Just don't fall for his Peruvian coffee, I know it is really a mind control potion he uses to get people to get more poultry.
All right guys, here's a fun little game for us! Tell everyone your turkey name!! I'll start.... Mine's TROTS GRAVY-TRAIN

Greenbeaner Cornucopia. Well that's a jip. I want a funny one....!
I dunno - Match.com? I think, have never looked at one of these types of sites, that you can put in the criteria you are looking for and they match it for you. EHarmony? It seems that you have multiple issues Ralphie. Chickens and now you have added the kitchen gadget thing. I cause alot more ruckus around here though. ANYTHING I do does it and I have to laugh and tell him I wub u and thanks for wubbing me. He has gone out to purchase a 750 with scope something or other which is suppose to be good for hunting varmits, i.e., coyote.

"Duh Duh Duh Duh.....Farmers.com"....sing it!
On our way to goodridge to go hunting!!
Good luck Holm.

This morning I had a skin of ice on the waterers. But with the mild temps coming this weekend I'm still not taking out the cookie tin heater. Also you'd be proud of me. I have the waterer out of the coop and in the run. I will have to get an extension cord though and set up the warmer in a safe way in the run. There's alot of straw and hay flying around in that run though. It makes me just a bit nervous. But I like getting that moisture out of the coop. IDK...will give it a try.

Birds also got cooked Squash skins and baked potato kitchen scraps. They are so spoiled today. I love it. Sadie then begged to go outside and as suspected I found her in the run...bullying herself into eating the squash and tater skins. Ugh. That dog.

There's blue sky peeking out there. Oooo Vitamin D time at Noon today!

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