
Anyone here willing to take in a young duck and a swan (well she says its a swan but I am guessing its a pekin duck)? My neighbor has them cooped up in a hot garage all day and doesnt have the resources to take care of them. Getting ready to take them to a shelter if I cant find a place for them soon. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. They are in Little Canada, Minnesota.
What kind of duck is it? Perhaps the "swan" could be a Embden or White Chinese Goose?
cottonlouie, that is sweet that they were roosting near you! those broody raised chicks run like I am the devil :)

All 7 little chicks are doing fine, mama's still have trouble getting them into the coop. worse, I let them start using the steps to the people door, and they haven't been able to make the transition to the ramp and the scary chicken opening. I'm wondering if it is some issue about going into the dark so am going to try a little hockey puck light to see if it helps.

supposed to get some humdinger storms tonight, need that rain badly. Got home just in time for a sudden downpour, one of the chick was totally freaked out but her mama got her into the coop.
Started feeding my chicks fermented grain. They love it. After gorging this morning they all went to roost and one little girl had a crop so full she couldn't get up on the roost.
Chicken math. I just foolishly bought 4 Easter Eggers. And the guy threw in a barred rock for free because we mentioned we hoped we had a rooster in our bunch of 19 chicks .... None of which are showing any signs of being cockerels. We need to build a greenhouse off the chicken porch for winter or we will absolutely not have enough room. The coop is 9x11 and the south facing porch, which because of the way the sun hits it stays as warm as or warmer than the coop during the day, is 8x10. We could construct a greenhouse type seasonal structure off the porch as big as 10x16. We will have around 30 chickens....just depends on if anyone is a cockerel and how they do this summer with predators (lost 2 last summer). And all the other things that chickens face. What have I done?
Chicken math. I just foolishly bought 4 Easter Eggers. And the guy threw in a barred rock for free because we mentioned we hoped we had a rooster in our bunch of 19 chicks .... None of which are showing any signs of being cockerels. We need to build a greenhouse off the chicken porch for winter or we will absolutely not have enough room. The coop is 9x11 and the south facing porch, which because of the way the sun hits it stays as warm as or warmer than the coop during the day, is 8x10. We could construct a greenhouse type seasonal structure off the porch as big as 10x16. We will have around 30 chickens....just depends on if anyone is a cockerel and how they do this summer with predators (lost 2 last summer). And all the other things that chickens face. What have I done?

You have entered The Chicken Zone. Da Da Daaaaaaa!

If you don't have a cockerel in the bunch, come on down! I can enable you to have one!
Good morning all! I hope all are well

We are 5 days out from potential broody hen hatches! So exciting!!
One hen never gets off the nest so I assume all 8 of her eggs are still under her. The other kicked out 2 and has 5 under yet.

Plus the 8 chicks from the school are doing well. There are 3 distinct types in the group. 2 are BA crosses (black with white butt fluff), 3 are rusty red (probably RIR cross), and 3 are a buff (peach colored as my nephew says) which I have no idea what they are. The rusty and buff ones are getting striped feathers on their wings. I have some photos to share but have to struggle through mobile to do it so be patient for incoming fluffy butts!


Chicken math. I just foolishly bought 4 Easter Eggers. And the guy threw in a barred rock for free because we mentioned we hoped we had a rooster in our bunch of 19 chicks .... None of which are showing any signs of being cockerels. We need to build a greenhouse off the chicken porch for winter or we will absolutely not have enough room. The coop is 9x11 and the south facing porch, which because of the way the sun hits it stays as warm as or warmer than the coop during the day, is 8x10. We could construct a greenhouse type seasonal structure off the porch as big as 10x16. We will have around 30 chickens....just depends on if anyone is a cockerel and how they do this summer with predators (lost 2 last summer). And all the other things that chickens face. What have I done?

I have an EE rooster you can have :) He's 8 weeks old.

And there's nothing foolish about buying more chickens. Keep telling myself that anyways.

They're getting big! Do you have them at home or in the classroom still?

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