
darn, I was hoping the chick would turn up right away.

Hey, those 6 chicks that are about 4 weeks old - the rooster doesn't want them roosting.

I've seen him ignore them during the day - they run freely in the run with the whole flock, but at night he attacks the three that roost up with the grown ups. He will leave his place on the roost and walk over to the chicks and peck at them. Their mama is done with them so doesnt defend them, and he pecks at her and makes her move too.

Whats up with this? Do I ignore it? Leaning towards letting them work it out but not sure if he will be like a tom cat who will sometimes kill the litter.
Looks like a Pekin and Mallard adolescent. But I'm not familiar with the varieties of ducks out there. Just what I have.

You're just looking to get them to a new home?

It sounds like it went well! I've been lazy about quarantining lately as well. Personally, I've never had an issue putting chicks together as long as they're within a reasonable amount of age from one another. I stuck mine with the older girls right away and I think having so many chicks running around was too much for them to really care. I had two hens sleep with them for a few days in the corner....I thought that was weird. My little ones are just getting brave enough to adventure out of the coop to the yard. It's fun watching them catch little flies and bugs! The little things....

Call me mean, but I wouldn't hesitate to put 5 week old chicks in the coop without a light as long as the weather stays as is. They should be well feathered by that point and will huddle together for warmth. I actually pulled the lamp off of my 3 week olds this morning because I expect the temp to be more than enough in the garage today. But that's inside....where your little Barred Rock is outside......

Yes they are desperately in need of a new home asap.
darn, I was hoping the chick would turn up right away.

Hey, those 6 chicks that are about 4 weeks old - the rooster doesn't want them roosting.

I've seen him ignore them during the day - they run freely in the run with the whole flock, but at night he attacks the three that roost up with the grown ups. He will leave his place on the roost and walk over to the chicks and peck at them. Their mama is done with them so doesnt defend them, and he pecks at her and makes her move too.

Whats up with this? Do I ignore it? Leaning towards letting them work it out but not sure if he will be like a tom cat who will sometimes kill the litter.

I would think about putting him in chicken jail if he gets too aggressive, otherwise, he is just teaching them who rules the roost.
thanks, Minnie - needed that reassurance. This morning, all mamas and chicks were in different places than last night, and the 3 chicks whose mama thinks she is done were on their own - one joined the other chick mama, the other two each in a different spot.

3 days til the new chicks, and would you believe their brooder still isn't ready? On todays chore list though, along with mountains of other things. CHicks take precedence.

lay the fence apron around the hoop coop
fasten screening around the end of the roosts in the hoop coop so a coon can't reach in
put grommets in the billboard tarp and get it put on the hoop coop
build brooder box

plant peas tomatoes cabbage, mow the lawn, mow the hoop coop, laundry, bird feeders, weed strawberries, asparagus hunt.....

here's wishing everyone a good day. Its Memorial Day! was at fort snelling cemetery thursday, my dad's remains were interred. He died almost two years ago, and was part of the u of m medical bequest program where your body is used in research and education, and the remains are returned to you when finished. Lots of volunteer military folks participating in the ceremonies
@lalaland , I don't exactly live close, but I have a saddle you can have/use/whatever if you think it'll work. It's bantam sized. Let me know if you want pictures and I can measure it for you. I don't have roosters anymore. Since I have zero sewing skills, I bought it off of ebay a year or so ago.
Anyone feed fermented feed? Lately I have been getting a little yeast smell and wondering why.
Sorry, don't know!

@lalaland , I don't exactly live close, but I have a saddle you can have/use/whatever if you think it'll work. It's bantam sized. Let me know if you want pictures and I can measure it for you. I don't have roosters anymore. Since I have zero sewing skills, I bought it off of ebay a year or so ago.
that is sweet of you to offer! She's a buff orp, so on the big end of things. I'm going to try cutting one out tonight out of scrap clothing - I know I have seen patterns around before.

Anyone have experience with red rangers? Not sure if there is anything different in raising them for meat and raising regular chickens...
I had to make the tough decision to start eliminating some breeds from my flock and reducing the others. With all that is going on with my son, it is becoming more and more difficult to take care of so many. If anyone is thinking about 'needing' (
) more chickens, let me know. The adult White Silkies are spoken for already, but I have a lot of bantams chicks and juvies. I am hatching a batch of Buckeyes that I don't want to keep too since I have more than enough from that rooster who sired them.


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