
Anyone can pm me if they are willing to let me visit and see their set ups.. I'm planning mine and just wanted to get some ideas.. I'm a little old lady and harmless

Sorry, I am inspected and certified and don't give tours due to biosecurity reasons. One of these days I might get a video tour up for folks to see, I hope.
Click on the members name (will be blue). Once you get to their profile, scroll all the way down and you'll see their pictures. Well, assuming they have albums, pictures, etc.
A lot of these pictures are more of a work in progress to what we have now. Actually, I'm always changing something but you'll find that's how it goes when you or your flock have different needs.

We now have hardware cloth on the lower 3 feet of our run covering the fencing already there. The hay is out of the coop (I think it was winter when I took that picture - we used it for added insulation). We also added more nest boxes and a different watering system. Ventilation, ventilation, ventilation.

Our chickens and ducks free range for the most part, but we keep them in the run when we're gone for any length of time, crappy weather, etc. I think I'll add an open area to the run next year. Who knows.

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Here's my duck pen set-up. It would work for chickens as well. I still want to get chicken wire around the exposed chain link, but this is where I'm at with it now. It's a 10x15 dog kennel.

Everybody does something different. There's a lot of great threads on BYC with different ideas as well.


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