
Last night I heard momma hen screaming her head off so I ran outside and saw her out in the field chasing a hawk. She came back still screaming. Only found one of her six chicks. A bit later I heard peeping and watched a second chick run to her momma from under a bush. About an hour later three more came running out from under the deck. So we thought the hawk got her one chick....24 hours later I heard some peeping from under a bush where I had searched yesterday for chicks. A wounded little chick was there, too tired to run. I scooped her up and discovered a puncture wound on her shoulder. This is the sixth chick! That hawk got zero! Last night I thought I saw something drop from the hawk and my husband and I searched the field but saw nothing. Well, I now believe the hawk dropped this 3 week old chick and the chick made it across the field and spent the night all alone. She is currently in a kennel and has eaten, drank, pooped. She got some blue cote on her shoulder. She will spend some time in the kennel in the storage room next to the wall which divides the coop from the storage. At least she will be able to hear the flock. I hope she is warm enough tonight....

Happy the hawk got zero!! Couldn't the chick be put in with mom and the other chicks?
Happy the hawk got zero!! Couldn't the chick be put in with mom and the other chicks?

Our run is about 2500 square feet and we free range part of the day. Mom is all over the place and would not wait for her. We also have 20 teenagers that would torture the chick if she wasn't with mom. I think I will have the kennel in the run by their waterer during the day as chickens come and go all day.
That is a huge run lucky chickens. Makes sense now

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