
There Was A Tester On Site At New Ulm On May 7,11. It Is A Quick Test, Just Takes A Drop Of Blood On A Plate, And In No Time At All It Is All Done.
More Testers Are Needed With Fairs And Other Shows Coming.
Hello from the northshore - little town just south of Duluth by the St Louis River. Too close to the big lake to get nice weather in the spring. But this spring everyone is getting our usual spring weather. New to the site and fairly new to chickens. I've had a small flock of 11 birds for a year now (well 10 now because I lost one a couple weeks ago). Two I hatched in my classroom (My roo is a mutt from an EE egg and the hen was also a mutt - unfortunately the one I lost recently), 8 Buff Orpinghtons and 1 hen that was supposed to be a Buff like the rest, but is some other mix (not sure what, other than EE because she lays green eggs). Love getting eggs and having my kids join in the fun and responsibility.

You're going to love this site!!
Are we finally going to get a few days without rain? I need to get my duck house ready. The little buggers are getting too big for their brooder! I need to get my grandson out here to paint the inside. He's little enough to do it,lol. We will be putting up dog kennel panels soon for the run. Any suggestions for the netting we will need for the top of the run? Always hawks flying around here.
Nothing beats hardware cloth but if your just trying to keep the hawks out you could go with chicken wire which is a little cheaper. I used chicken wire over one of my dog kennel runs because of the pine tree directly in the middle of the run. The other dog kennel run had a kennel panel that fit perfectly on top. I don't reccomend deer netting which would be the cheapest option, all kinds of debris and twigs/branches get caught up in it and it won't hold up thru the winter.
No Problem
Yep your best bet is chicken wire for those "odd shaped" run jobs I used the pine tree in the middle of the run to anchor the chicken wire to using big washers and screws, it worked great! Good luck with your project, looks like its gonna be nice for a few days
Hey that is where I am from! Sorry I am new to the chicken world so I dont know of that. If anyone comes here and wants to vaccinate my chicks, that would be perfect
I am too new to feel comfortable doing it, at 3 weeks they are too feisty!

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