Minorca thread!

Waiting for my Buff Minorcas from McMurray.
I just received some Buff Minorca from McMurray on June 8th. I have always been happy with their Buffs. Last summer I received some very large pullets from them. They lay a very large egg. This year I also ordered Buffs from Sandhill, so will be interested to see how they compare. I will tell you that I am not happy with any of the Blacks I received from McMurray, and am hopeful that my Blacks from Sandhill will be closer to type. Good Luck!
I received one cockerel of the White Minorca and the rest are pullets. My question is that the cockerel, although already quite tall and handsome, has a crooked toe. Would he pass this on when used to breed?
One crooked toe is more indicative of an occurance in hatching rather than anything genetic. If he was all you have then I would certainly use him. That is just me though..
Crooked toes are often an incubation/hatching issue and if that is the case it is alright to breed from them.Another cause can be inbreeding too close and even then by using less related or new blood , crooked toed birds can be used.If environment,they can be used for breeding,just correct the cause to avoid more of it. Since they are rare (White Minorcas) try using them,but be on the look out for a good unrelated male somewhere.
I think aggressive males that are man fighters is a trait most people do not want..There are cases where you might have to use such a male for breeding,but if you do not need to,then do not for it seems to be hereditary to a degree. You should get females that are alright and maybe a few sons. Just keep picking the better tempered males each generation. Some lines are worse than others.Sometimes a good mannered cockerel will turn into a mean older male.Sometimes being with females or removing from females will affect a males behavior toward the owner,This can often be seen with once tame cockerels after being separated after the breeding season. Sometimes you get a very mean male with the females that is okay with the owner.Bad dipositions can also be extremely wild birds. Select against bad traits whenever you can.
Can anyone help me on, what breeds make up a Minorca?
I would not say there are any breeds that "make up" a Minorca. They are fairly distinct breed that can trace their origin to Spain and what contributed to their creation there would be a question better answered by Dan haha.
Compared to other breeds like Wyandottes, Rocks, Sussex, Orpingtons etc, most of the Mediterranean class breeds are much more stand alone with little influences of outside breeds upon their make up.
They get the name from the isle of Minorca off the coast of Spain. Black Minorcas are thought to have came from the Black Castilian,which is a smaller bird (of Spain's land races). .Minorcas where called Red Faced Black Spanish,so some relationship to White Faced Spanish exists,perhaps they both go back to very old Spanish land races.The English breeders of long ago (early 1800's) added Black Langshans to increase the size and stature.The large size has long been bred for ,around the world in the Minorca..
I agree completely. I was hoping to have a couple of cockerels to pick from, but as I have stated previously I received 90% pullets from my order. I have the entire group of whites in an extremely secure setting and hope that an illness doesn't strike my male. I don't really want to have to order another group next year. I have the large black male for backup. I don't have a good space to keep too many males. I too was surprised at how nice the white pullets are. I hope I can get some pictures that will do them justice. I know you will like them.


This is a picture of a White Minorca Pullet. She is almost 4 months old. Note my 1 year old Buff Minorca Hen from McMurray Hatchery. The buff hen is 8# and the picture doesn't do justice to her height.

This is a pair of the White Minorca Pullets.

This is a picture of my Black Cockerel. He is almost 4 months old as well. Already quite large.

This is another White Minorca Pullet. The White Cockerel is in the background (camera shy).

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