Minorca thread!

I have blue black and splash Project minorca's UntilI growout one of my young roosters my birds arefrom portland oregan Henry Reece strain I will get some pictures posted.I had 3 hens and a rooster but the rooster keeled over so to keep this breed alive and try to work with it I crossed it with a Blue Andalusian In hopesfor a black roo that I can breed back for afew generations. I contacted Henry and he no longer is selling his birds so a hatchery stock replacement rooster is definatly out of the question.
Great! Good luck with the hatch.

Have you used your incubator before? I am getting eggs later this spring and have been practicing with Trader Joe's fertile eggs. Hatch day is this Friday. Only three (out of a dozend) made it into lock down. They were really old when I got them. But I now have temps and humidity under control for my more expensive eggs

Yes, we did one hatch in an ExoTerra. We set the second hatch, but it failed 36 hours into incubation so we had to scramble around & got another incubator from a wonderful friend, and now we're at day 10 of that incubation and coming right along. Right now, we're hatching BCMs, EEs, and silkies in the bator in the house with 1 porcelain Belgian d'uccle. We have 5 more porcelain d'uccle eggs, 2 bantam EEs, and 4 "mystery eggs" under a broody hen out back in the henhouse. Then there's the 9 in the brooder...

Yeah, I REALLY need more hatching eggs, don't I? But but ... but... but I don't have any minorcas (yet.... mwahahahah)
I just LOVE hatching eggs! When it hits 21 days, it's like Christmas morning...only the gifts open themselves.
My first two chicks I started incubating on a whim in a home made incubator....if you can call it that. lol 2 pyrex bowls and a desk lamp. I shouldn't knock it....it worked! It wasn't until the last week or so that I purchased an incubator because I was paranoid that my bulb would burn out in the middle of the night. I have a picture of it somewhere.
Actually I have 2 others in there. My Easter Egger crossed w/ the buff minorca roo and silver spangled hamburg hen w/ buff minorca roo. My sweet hamburg died the day after I placed her egg in the bator so I have a lot riding on that egg. I can't wait to see how they all turn out. Should be very interesting.
Yeah I sure hope so, pretty excited about getting a start in them finally. Thanks for your help as well Dan. How are your birds doing this spring?
It has been a long winter,still cold,two snow storms this week.I have been out of work all winter and expenses are getting worse here all the time.The birds are laying and I have them mated up,so will be saving hatching eggs soon.Glad to be of some help,and it is nice to know Brad came through for you. Dan Honour.

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