miracle grow question


10 Years
Mar 14, 2009
central MN
I was wondering if I could fertilize my flowers and veggies with a miracle grow type fertilizer?? I let my chicks roam the yard and they would be munching on whatever they can and wondered if it would be harmful for them?? Also wondered about fertilizing the grass too??
I use Miracle Grow on my shrubs all the time, never thought about it; they don't eat the shrubs but they certainly scratch under them (I gave up on mulching them.)

You would not want to put out a granular fertilizer on your lawn and turn them loose. You could probably water it in or do it before a heavy rain, and let them on it after it was rained in or well watered in, if it dissipates. You do not want them eating the granules.

If you turn them loose in your veggies, they will eat most of the veggies and young plants. The one thing chicken wire is good for, in my experience, is to fence them out of the garden. I'm not much on flower beds but have read on here of people having trouble growing flowers that chickens can get to, as well.
I was wondering a similar thing.

I bought a bag of peat moss, not realizing it had Miracle Grow in it. I wanted to use it mixed with sand and DE for a dust bath.
I will rarely use a chemical in my backyard because of the chickens. ddawn is correct about not using granular. The chickens will eat it. When I am forced into using chemicals. I use liquid in the evening, after the chickens have gone in. On a night rain is expected. If it doesn't rain I will run the sprinklers the next morning to wash everything down.
I don't know how sensitive chickens are to chemicals. They did drink deck stain last year when I was refinishing the deck, to no ill effect.

I swear, some of them will eat anything!
Just a newbie chicken owner here, looking for answers. I was wondering, and I hope I didn't miss it in another discussion, what about vegetables/herbs that are planted in potting mix that has fertilizer in it? Are the veggies and herbs that grow okay for the chickens? I also have grass that was seeded (I'm thinking there was fertilizer in that as well) how long do I need to wait until I can give them some of this grass-now that it's grown? In both situations there are no granules or pellets left for the chicken to eat but I have noticed that most of the bags state they are good for a certain amount of time, so I'm guessing that makes them "time release". I plan to be as "all natural" now that we have chickens.
Just 2 more questions (at least for right now
) does anyone have any organic tips for bugs/pests on veggies in the garden and on fruit trees? And for those of you that let your chickens free range, what kind of supplements are safe?

I moved this question into a new thread, I hope that's okay. I wasn't sure how to delete it. Sorry for the duplicate
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I was worried about that too.. I tell my babies not to drink the blue water. Lol so far they stay away from my tomatoes.. They're pretty good at not digging around them.. :yesss: I always keep fresh water out for them daily... :drool lol they love fresh cold water

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