Miss_Jayne, I want that box of cookies! Winners Announced!

Miss_Jayne, I want that box of cookies because.

I want em and I'm a fatty that likes cookies!
oh, I am drooling right now!

I have been a good girl

Ok, I want them because I am pregnant and soon I won't be able to have them as my pregnancy progresses because I will probably end up with gestational diabetes
. I truly appreciate good workmanship, whether it is cooking, building, just skill in general. I also have a sensitive palate and truly savor the flavor of good cooking, especially treats
Ooh, and I will even share with the 6 kids if I have to

pick me, pick me, pick me......pleeeeassssse?
Miss_Jayne, I want that box of cookies as a Father's Day surprise for my husband. I will be gone all weekend and not be able to do anything nice for him but man does he love a good cookie! Plus, he will share them with little people who look like this:

OMGOSH! I want those because they look super duper YUMMY!

WOW ~ My mouth is watering looking at those chocolate chip cookies!!!!!!

I have 3 little munskins and a spoiled DH who LOVES sweet treats just about every day here. Those cookies woud be devoured in less than 20 minutes!

I want them because they look like the best baked cookies I have ever seen
You can send me some!!!! HEYYYYY....As am just typing this my 4 yr. old is watching and she just said "Those look yumier than your cookies moma" HA - what a little stinker --

Thanks for this offer - I do chicken saddle contests every now and then but I think folks would lots rather have some good 'ol home made cookies! Those look awesome


eta: LOL @ the above posters girls holdin a sign!! That will be hard to resist!
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Good Morning Miss Jayne,
I want those cookies and some ducks.

Ok, my bator is currently down so you can just send the cookies...unless you're looking for another road trip and "WANT" to come for a visit and bring some lil duckies.
I've got plenty of beds...

Now let's see....why would I want Miss Jayne's super duper delish cookies, or so I've heard? Because this mama has had to make a big "life style" change and now my children are deprived for one. And because I've had blessings from my neighbor's helping out in certain ways and I just KNOW they would love a cookie from a chicken friend. I just love starting out stories with, "My chicken friend..."

Humbley and lovingly submitted by,
oh man, these are awesome you guys! i am laughing, smiling, choking and everything. keep 'em coming. the baking begins this afternoon!

(maplesky, don't tempt me to bring duckies...there's a billion of 'em runnin' around the east pasture...maybe eleventy-billion of 'em)

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