Missing!!! 7 year old child-North Florida

Oh noooo.
I hope they find him!!
That is just too sick. A garbage dump...
No wonder parents are so over protective these days. There's something wrong when a little girl gets snatched and murdered walking home from school in the middle of the day...
Fortunately for them, the do not live near me. That site was cool, but the study is 12 years old. What I've learned in college 4-5 years ago is dated, but it was in the high 90's percentage wise.

A friend of mine is a 'sex offender'. He must register every time he moves, has been harassed, had his dog poisoned, etc... His crime? He was 18 and slept with his 17 year old girlfriend.

There was a news article concerned another man who may be about to go to jail and have a sex offender label slapped on him. His crime? He walked to his kitchen without pants to make coffee at 5:30 AM, and his neighbor who was cutting through his yard with her young daughter saw him through the window.

Another friend of mine has his life ruined because during a very messy divorce his ex-wife convinced their child to tell people he had touched her inappropriately.

Best to get facts straight before judging.

Sorry GD, I was referring to Class 2 or Class 3 offenders. I didn't make myself clear there. I do agree, my buddy did go behind a dumpster in an alley to urinate, and he's now a class 1 or something stupid. I am talking about pedophiles and rapists basically. the chances of them returning as a "normal" productive citizen is way less than 10%.

PS in Michigan age of consent is 16 ...... so as long as she's 16.......... its not statutory rape. I don't agree with it, but 17 is basically an adult in Michigan.
The problem is a lot of folks don't understand the 'class' system, and some registries don't even include it.

But, even then, the recidivism rate isn't close to 100%, it's closer to 50%. The numbers are worrisome enough that they don't need to be exaggerated.
Grown men who rape little kids will not stop.
This isn't an 18 year old boy with 17 year old girl thing.

This thread is about grown men who rape little kids.
That's it.

I think it's pretty black and white when a man kidnaps a little girl, rapes her, kills her, and dumps her body in the trash. I don't want him to get off because someone has a cousin who was labeled a sex offender when he knocked up his underage girlfriend.
A friend of mine is a 'sex offender'. He must register every time he moves, has been harassed, had his dog poisoned, etc... His crime? He was 18 and slept with his 17 year old girlfriend.

There was a news article concerned another man who may be about to go to jail and have a sex offender label slapped on him. His crime? He walked to his kitchen without pants to make coffee at 5:30 AM, and his neighbor who was cutting through his yard with her young daughter saw him through the window.

Another friend of mine has his life ruined because during a very messy divorce his ex-wife convinced their child to tell people he had touched her inappropriately.

Best to get facts straight before judging.

Sorry GD, I was referring to Class 2 or Class 3 offenders. I didn't make myself clear there. I do agree, my buddy did go behind a dumpster in an alley to urinate, and he's now a class 1 or something stupid. I am talking about pedophiles and rapists basically. the chances of them returning as a "normal" productive citizen is way less than 10%.

PS in Michigan age of consent is 16 ...... so as long as she's 16.......... its not statutory rape. I don't agree with it, but 17 is basically an adult in Michigan.

I think a lot of states have gone to a set of rules that have a lower age of consent if both parties are within a certain number of years of each other, to avoid the issue of a 17 year old and an 18 year old who are three months apart in age being accused of a crime. That seems reasonable to me.

Heck, I started college when I was seventeen. My girlfriend of a semester or so was twenty. In some states, that would have made her a felon, and that's just ridiculous. I was already old enough to have joined the military with my parent's sign-off, had I chosen to. About six months later I turned 18 and was working for our county sheriff's office. Was I a "child" at seventeen and a half?

On an unrelated tangent, I think there needs to be a legal definition of "adolesent" in this country. The notion that one is legally either a child or an adult raises a lot of issues ... like 14 year olds perpetrating serious violent crimes, and unless they are waived into adult court, they're a "child." At some point well shy of 18, one should be expected to have a basic grasp of right and wrong and be treated accordingly.

I do agree with Boyd ... actual sexual predators are extremely likely to re-offend. I don't trust random studies; the way these offenses are categorized, it is easy for a researcher to make a case that recidivism is high, or that rehabilitation works, depending on what result they want to prove.
I personally feel that the death sentence should be invoked on rapist. There is no cure. They are sick and down right monster's. Even if they do not kill their victims they have killed a big part of their lives.

I am not including an 18 yr old having sex with his girlfriend. Oklahoma changed their law to 16 yrs old being old enough to consent to sex.
Who is suggesting he gets off?

I'm a rape and a molestation victim. I think we need to bring back flogging in the public square for these bastards in addition to their jail sentence. I'm happy to be on the firing squad for the death penalty.

It's a crime heinous enough that we don't need to spread misinformation about it. The truth is bad enough.

I will disagree slightly.

I think if the rapist kills the victim, yes, death penalty.

But if the victim lives, no death penalty.

The simple reason for this is that it gives the rapist a reason to leave the victim alive. Without this, the rapist is better off killing the victim and that's not something we want to have happen.
i agree with what u r saying but one part a sex offender/rapest ect can be a man or a woman not just a man. there is females listed on our megan's law site as well as men and some r around this area so it does happen just not as often. u just never know who they could be it could be someone u least excpect it to be. unfortunately there is many sick people in this world.

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