Missing!!! 7 year old child-North Florida

I know.... But the fear of that is what many were hoping would steer those who hadn't stepped over that line from doing so. It doesn't work in all times, but since Louisiana has passed this law we'll see how the real world statistics stack up in the next decade.

Like I said, I'd rather they be shot or hung after trial.
I know.... But the fear of that is what many were hoping would steer those who hadn't stepped over that line from doing so. It doesn't work in all times, but since Louisiana has passed this law we'll see how the real world statistics stack up in the next decade.

Like I said, I'd rather they be shot or hung after trial.

I'm very Liberal, but I would have to agree with you on this. My only concern is innocent inmates being executed.
I know.... But the fear of that is what many were hoping would steer those who hadn't stepped over that line from doing so. It doesn't work in all times, but since Louisiana has passed this law we'll see how the real world statistics stack up in the next decade.

Like I said, I'd rather they be shot or hung after trial.

I'm very Liberal, but I would have to agree with you on this. My only concern is innocent inmates being executed.

Mine also. But with the DNA testing that is available now a days it won't be hard to prove the case. I wouldn't think about that for a circumstantial case, it has to be a solid case and conviction.

I think after the first thousand are buried in pauper graves that people will not be afraid to speak up sooner (long term sexual abuse cases) and many women will rush to get the rape kit done in a timely manner.

Also, I am not against psychologist and lie detectors and sodium penthanol (or whatever is better now a days) testing on these fools to get the truth out of it. It has to be solid. If it's proven, give me a tree, I'll start weaving rope tonight.
It's interesting to note that countries with brutal punishments for rapists often have higher incidences of rape than this country.

A simple question for you, Boyd.

If the perp wears a condom and kills his victim, meaning no witnesses, how much harder do you think it's going to be to catch him?

Then he should die, do you disagree?

If I could have killed him in the act, I would have. I tried.

However, I'm not sure what kind of woman you think I am, and I'm a bit insulted. Do you really think that if I had to choose between being raped again or let some innocent woman or heaven forbid, a child, be raped AND murdered, I would choose to sacrifice her life?

There are place in this world where rapists are executed. Rape still happens.

If the rapist leaves the victims alive, put them in jail for the rest of their lives. For the small mercy of leaving their victims alive, to return to their families, to have a hope of healing and recovery, they may keep their own lives and simply spend said lives in a prison cell locked away from humanity with no hope of freedom.

If they kill their victims, fry the bastards.​
For this to happen, it will first be necessary for mankind to outgrow the attitude that a woman wearing a short skirt, or out in public unaccompanied, or in a bar, etc... is somehow 'asking for it'.

To be quite frank, after how I was treated by the cops and some of my neighbors and coworkers after I was attacked, I'd have had to think long and hard about coming forward if I'd been attacked again.

I was a woman in a 'man's job' and so I must have 'encouraged' him.

By the time they are done with college, 1 in 4 women have been sexually assaulted. Because of the stigmata, the folks who blame the victims, most of us keep our mouths shut.
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I'm telling you right now, if someone raped my daughter and left her "alive" I would certianly not want that person to have free room and board, cable tv, outside time each day... Prisons are over crowded as it is. Convicted rapists should be executed. ESPECIALLY child rapists
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Sorry, I don't mean to offend, but you do sound like you are advocating for a lighter sentence than what I am talking about. Which countries execute rapists and have a higher percentage of rape? A modern country with court systems like ours?

Why should we taxpayers allow our government to feed and house scum? Personally I don't want to. I'd rather they die.

As far as a child or woman loosing their life, I answered this pretty plainly in an earlier post. It's a hard world. I'd rather one died so 5 could remain untainted. After a while the sicko's out there WILL get the message as they are hung and fried on a daily basis instead of being shoved into our ultra-liberal court systems and having millions of tax dollars spent trying to rehab them so they can be a part of society again. WHO WANTS THEM BACK??????

Answer that last question for me, then take a look at how that will affect your views. Any party, any conservative or liberal ....... Who wants to spend hard earned money on rehabbing raping murdering scum? Do you? Thats what it all comes down to with my posts. I am not trying to offend anyone here, but thats how I feel.

Whoever killed this little girl and dumped her in the garbage deserves to die. Not spend 3-5 in club med after a year in a mental institution..... on our dollar.
This involves a lot of wishful thinking on your part. You are assuming only one will die and the five will remain unraped.

More likely, all five will be killed. And probably more, since it's a lot harder to convict without witness ID and testimony.

You are also misreading me when I thought I'd been quite clear. I don't think they should ever be allowed out of prison, and I don't think their prison stay should be pleasant. A 7x7 cell, a bucket, a blanket, and dog poo on a plate is fine by me. 16 hour days digging holes in the Nevada desert followed by a 16 hour day filling them back in, go for it.

No cable TV. No 'club fed'. I don't know where you get this romantic notion that jail is easy or a fun place to be. I'm friends with a couple prison guards, and it's hellish enough for them, let alone for perps, especially known molesters.

As for the death penalty being a deterrent, well, we've had the death penalty for murder for a while know, noticed any decrease in that?

See, here is the thing Boyd.

Criminals don't think they'll get caught.

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