Missing!!! 7 year old child-North Florida

GD, you and me are going to have to agree to disagree. No they may not stop at the first and go from the first stage of being a preditor to jumping to serial in one fell swoop. It has happened (although rare).

But you have a lot of wishful thinking in your views. You assume they will keep them in prison for life. They wont. Mandatory life sentence is 20 years in MI. Many are out in far less than half that because after all, they didn't kill anybody did they?

I'll bow out of the thread from here. I'd rather they not live, I'd rather not clog the court, I'd rather drug dealers murders and Gang bangers get the same form of punishment I proposed for sickos........ I don't want to live in a society where I have to live in fear of scum. Thats why central/south America seems more and more appealing all the time. Live by the gun, die by the gun but by god be as free as you want as long as you toe the line of the righteous and just.

Peace out Peeps
I thought I was clear that I felt rape should be an actual life sentence. Not what a current supposed life sentence is, an actual lock them up and melt down the key life sentence.
I thought I was clear that I felt rape should be an actual life sentence. Not what a current supposed life sentence is, an actual lock them up and melt down the key life sentence.

Ok, you got me, one last parting shot. Then everyone who feels like you can pay for it and those who feel like me don't. Thats fair.
I'd like to add that pedophiles will not be deterred by anything. They are what they are.

I don't care how they are stopped as long they aren't running around near our children. I'd rather them be in a nice cozy cell than that. The discussion of the death sentence is polarizing. I'd rather just start with getting them off the streets forever.

People can talk all day about taking a gun to them, but how many of those same people are actively hunting these deranged individuals down? It's talk, and that is all. It only becomes more than that when it's someone we know who has been harmed, and even then rarely do people take them out.

This thread just makes me sick.

Stop talking and do something.... you know the saying... crap or get off the pot.
I work with youth sex offenders... And I KNOW they need harsher sentences for them. The therapy these people get is a joke. MANY have even told me that they just say what they need to say to just get through the program...
Also..they NEVER really are cured of this sickness...
all they can do..(if they are REALLY sorry for what they have done..and if they REALLY dont want to relapse).. All they can do is remember and use what relapse prevention skills they learned in therapy.
Sadly, most dont do that though..
and its a PROVEN fact that for every sex offense that they admit to or get caught for...there are at least 5 (i'll have to get the exact #...) other offenses they have commited that havent come out yet... (thats PER offender..)
Truly, relapse prevention has to come from with-in themselves...

Now, i HAVE seen a few (very few) that actually feel remorse for what they have done..and they are still living clean lives. But..even they admit that its a constant struggle to fight their urges...

I'm not sure what the best option REALLY is for offenders...
I know that having to register does help (somewhat) to protect the community..
But, really they are so smart and slick...its scary..

Really..i think MOST should not be allowed freedom again...after working with so many of these people..i know the chances of them re-offending is VERY high..
Although...see, this is hard..because...ALOT of offenders were sexually abused too... and the cycle continues...
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if there is DNA proof that links them they should rot in jail but then i think of all the nice cozy meals they get, cable, educations and then paroll. UMMM go ahead Boyd, thread up some rope! I will bring the popcorn~
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Its been quite the scene here the lst few days. Like I originally said, I live 8 miles from the little girls house. I went yesterday to volunteer and was turned away just because there
were sooo many people there. Everywhere you looked, there was Navy and Nation Guard in uniform, old people, mothers and children looking in bushes, calling her name. Went to Walmart and there were flyers plastered on every car. Banners on every street corner.

The most amazing thing to me was what happened last night. There was a prayer vigil set up at her house but before it started they found Somer, or what was believed to be her at the time. Hundreds of people, friends, family, complete strangers gathered at the house and cried together. The mother came outside....everyone gathered around her in a 400 person group hug while she sat on the ground and cried. Makes me so sad but I realize that there is a lot more good people in the world than bad ones.

Clay County is made up of mostly good ole boys. Not many mushy liberals that believe in rehabilitation. Meaning, no one will tolerate this crap from anyone, even the cops. When they find this monster he will pay for it. I'd bet ya a buck he won't even see the inside of a jail. Just my 2 cents

It really creeps me out though that this person is still here. It may be the guy behind me at the grocery or someone I pass while taking my own child to school. All I know is that the .38 is by the bed and for the first time all of my doors are locked until they find him (or her). I guess we now live in a world where you trust no one. Keep your eyes open and pay attention to your surroundings. And, most importantly, keep your children in sight at all times!!
And Rainplace, Props to you for doing what you felt was right! Even though my volunteering efforts failed, I feel like by me starting this post and inspiring you has somehow made a difference in our world. Tomorrow I will do the same as you, Thank you!!
can i watch

this is a very conservative statistic and a wee bit out dated but the last i heard it was 1 in every 3 girls and 1 in every5 boys have been assaulted in some way shape or form and remember this is just what gets reported!

(statistic in abt 2007)

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