missing cat..how do you cope with the not knowing?

We had an indoor/outdoor cat (one of six) who went out one day and never came back. We live in the middle of woods with caves and coyotes around, so I fear the worst but I hope he didn't suffer too long. His name was Trailer (because he was born under a "portable classroom" and I had to crawl under it and fish him out of a concrete block). I still miss him; he was a beautiful solid gray cat with yellow eyes.
We had a cat named Lil' Bit that went missing one winter. She was gone for a good month. When it finally thawed a little she drug herself home. She had been hit by a car and had a broken pelvis. It was already mostly healed. The vet thought she had been living in a storm drain. She had lost A LOT of weight, but her blood work was OKish. Meaning she had been drinking storm water and probably eating small things that got close enough for her to grab. Unfortunately the damage was severe enough she could no longer express her own bladder and had no bowel control. We tried different drugs to fix it but in the end had to put her down. I still admire her strength and fortitude to survive and then literally drag herself home.
Set up a humane, raccoon sized trap baited with something smelly and enticing to cats, such as sardines in oil, tuna, or mackerel. Even lost cats are usually near home, usually not going far if they are neutered.

If it gives you a bit of hope, my grandfather had a beloved cat that disappeared for six weeks. When the cat came back, the kitty wanted absolutely nothing to do with the outside ever again. I personally advocate 100% indoor cats, and my indoor cat is collared with identification and also mircrochipped, in case she ever did slip outside.
Tigroux is home!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a missing ad was published in the local paper this morning, by 7am id had a phonecall from a lovely woman saying she'd found our cat the day before and was planning on taking him to the rescue today after she'd had a coffee and read the paper, then she saw his big orange face shining out from between the pages.....never have i been so happy to be woken up by the phone!!!
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I am so happy that your Tig came home.
I always had a orange kitty growing up. I had a kitty that went missing for 10 months. The day he was found he came home; even though we had move more the 200 miles away during the time he was gone.
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I know how you feel! My cat fuzzy has been missing for 7 days now! She has never been gone for more than 11 hours. I am falling apart. Your right, the not knowing where she is or what happened to her is killing me!!! When will this sadness end?
I had a cat disappear on me for 2 weeks. It was awful. But I found him one night poking his head out of a storm drain. If the cat is neutered, he most likely is within a 2 or 3 house radius.
He was an indoor-only cat. So when get got out, I think he just didn't know how to get back in. ?
I hope for the best and that your kitty comes home soon.

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