Could be a weasel? But not sure if you have them where you live?
I really don't think they live anywhere near us... Whatever is taking them may be a hibernating animal since they are clearly small, but they must be filling up because nothing that small could possibly eat that much on normal circumstances, i think...
Also, another thing that baffles me, Usually if an animal digs, it needs long claws. Which it used to dig under and make the hole at the bottom. But animals with long claws have more difficulty climbing trees( it would've had to be able to climb decent to take a chicken with it),....(i'm guessing since this holds true to the raccoon from what I've read)
Also, another thing that baffles me, Usually if an animal digs, it needs long claws. Which it used to dig under and make the hole at the bottom. But animals with long claws have more difficulty climbing trees( it would've had to be able to climb decent to take a chicken with it),....(i'm guessing since this holds true to the raccoon from what I've read)

Try setting up a night camera/game camera and set up a trap since you defiantly want this animal gone :) hopefully you find out what it is. Weasels and raccoons are both little stinks.
Yeah, i'm not sure about setting a trap since we have tons of bunnies in our yard and I really don't want to stress them out, they're just cute and do no harm to us, and I also really want to set cameras up but my parents think I'm being paranoid, I've brought it up in the past but they didn't seem to like the idea. Hopefully, if I keep locking them up at night whatever is there will move on, and we can just keep locking them up until we build a new coop this coming summer. I do worry that whatever is taking the chickens might try and mess with my pygmy goats, but seems unlikely because they're so much bigger than chickens. I will talk to my parents and see what they have to say about the trap idea. Thanks! :3
Weasels do not hibernate..They are vicious little predators and can take down Chickens and fit in very small holes...Thet are nocturnal but do hunt during the day too...
Yeah, if we had them I would really lean towards them, it's just the fact that we've never seen or heard of any being anywhere near us :confused:
If it was something i thought would come threw the field from somewhere else, i'd think more about them but they don't live in our area. I've never even seen them outside the zoo.
But then again it is a big field. Maybe that's where they live, and there just happens to not be any more in the area anywhere else :confused::barnie

-Will talk to my parents about setting a trap once they get home from work.
Thanks everyone! :D
-If we find out for sure what it is or we catch anything, i'll be sure to let ya'll know :)
sorry for your loss.. a game cam really is worth the money.. i lost a few hens, mid day and finally caught the culprit on camera.. a fox.. i did see a black friday special at DICKS sporting goods for a fairly cheap game cam.. i was thinking of grabbing one as a second set of eyes in a different direction..

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