missing feathers on my hen!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 29, 2014
my baby is missing some feathers! I have 8 hens total and one rooster. I attached a picture of her neck where the feathers are missing, any ideas what could be causing this?
my baby is missing some feathers! I have 8 hens total and one rooster. I attached a picture of her neck where the feathers are missing, any ideas what could be causing this?

it could be the rooster when he breeds her. They tend to grab onto the head or neck area to hold the hen and balance themselves. This does cause feathers to be pulled.
That makes sense! I didn't have a rooster until yesterday (a friend had extras so I got one..) and I noticed this a couple hours ago! It didn't take the rooster long to make himself at home! :)
That makes sense! I didn't have a rooster until yesterday (a friend had extras so I got one..) and I noticed this a couple hours ago! It didn't take the rooster long to make himself at home! :)

Yesterday? Well, he is either very aggressive or you have another hen pecking and pulling feathers. I wouldn't expect to see that kind of damage in a day from a rooster, but maybe so. You should probably spend some time watching them and find out for sure what is going on. There is some stuff called anti-pick lotion that can be applied that may help prevent further damage (especially to the skin) to her from the others.
Yep! He's huge!! He's a full growe jersey giant. But seems very gentle. I have noticed the hens kinda chase each other or look like they attack each other occasionally. Is there anything I can do to stop that? I don't want my babies hurt!
Yep! He's huge!! He's a full growe jersey giant. But seems very gentle. I have noticed the hens kinda chase each other or look like they attack each other occasionally. Is there anything I can do to stop that? I don't want my babies hurt!

Is the hen missing feathers a new addition? Or was she raised with the others? New additions, especially if they are fewer in numbers than exisiting flock, tend to get picked on. This usually stops once the hen learn it's place (bottom of pecking order). If she doesn't want to be at the bottom, fighting will usually continue until it is all figured out. Not much you can do to stop this. A really big chicken yard to reduce overcrowding can help, but that is not always available. Hopefully, there are places in the coop she can go to get away if fighting goes on too much. Maybe some treats or items in the coop to relieve boredom? A chicken treat ball, or some hang some cabbage or something to keep them occupied. I would say if you have fights breaking out daily, you need more space. Make sure you have an extra feeder also. The bottom of the pecking order is sometimes chased away from the feeder by dominant hens.
She's not a new addition, the rooster is new. I got all 8 of my hens at the same time. The coop is pretty big... about 10 foot by 15 foot and 8 foot high. I have 8 hens and one rooster.. they are let out of the coop to free range daily. I'm not exactly sure why this is happening to her. I've watched them and sometimes a couple hens will bicker... especially when the rooster is near. But it doesn't look like they touch each other.. just kinda run towards each other flapping their wings.
Well, I hope what ever is going on stops and she has a chance to grow some new ones there. Might look for some anti pick lotion in case it continues or gets worse. Only other thing I can suggest is pinless peepers. If it is one hen in particular doing this, you could try putting peepers on her. Keep them on for a few weeks. Long enough to break the habit.

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