
In the Brooder
Oct 11, 2023
One of our hens doesn’t have feather on her back and it’s red. We just noticed a couple days ago she started making sounds to us that sound sad. She’s drinking water and eating but she is isolating herself. She’ll follow the group but sometimes she’ll just sit alone. Is this molting, is this the rooster being aggressive? The rooster does prefer her over the other hens we have. She’s constantly running away from him because he does chase her around. Is he stressing her out ?


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Awww poor baby. Yes that is probably the case. It's either the rooster or maybe there are other bullies in the flock? You may want to try using a hen saddle.
Thank you and no I would say she’s the bully out of the girls 😅 I haven’t seen the other girls messing with her but I’ll still keep an eye out.
How many hens do you have? How many roosters? Ages? How much space do they have?
Roosters will often have favorites, or will over mate more submissive hens. If you don't have enough hens, then that makes things worse. Lack of space can also be an issue. They need space to get away and things to hide behind (without being cornered). If she's getting picked on while roosting, then you may need to add roost space as well. Some birds like to snuggle, others demand space. Feather picking on the roosts is not uncommon, or it could also be that the feather shafts on the bare spot are drawing attention. A hen saddle can help protect her back, but you also need to figure out and address the underlying issue.

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