Hello all,

I'm in Golden City, Mo, in the southwest parts.

If anyone needs any chickens, or quail, or pigeons, or doves, or other caged birds, pretty much if you need an animal ask me to see what I have.
funny,if I hadn't sold some stuff off CL to a lady in Golden City I wouldn't have believed the name. Good to know you have
some of everything. I am still workin on my masterpeice flock one breed at a time.
Anyone live along US-61 between St. Louis and Keokuk, IA?

I'll be driving that route twice next week.... up on the 16th,, back on the 20th or 21st... gotta see if Southwest can change my flight or I've got to cancel a bunch of patients!
I live along that corridor.

Not sure what highway you'll be taking before you get to 61N, but I thought I'd give you a heads up. If you take 40 (converting to 64) you need to be aware that the construction zone you will pass thru is usually extremely serious about the work zone speed limit. Viritually every time we drive thru there they have someone pulled over. While I definitely respect work zone speed limits for safety reasons, I also lived in that area and they love to give tickets anyway. Failure to use a turn signal on a road that was a T cost me $105.

Have a good trip.
Hello Missourians-

I am in Columbia. Just got back into chickens after raccoons killed my last bunch a few years back.

I now have 23- a mix of BOs, Aracaunas, bantums and wyandottes. Quite a gorgeous mix I must say. But I am always on the look out for swaps and that next great bird. Gotta stay away from roos though. Have 5 right now. Will eat two pretty soon.
hello Missy3b, I am glad to see more of us on here everyday.
Sorry about your previous chickens, Luckily I haven't had too may problems... yet. I am feelin your pain I have about 14 Roos

I have 4 that are stayin
they're to spoiled and old! the rest can go in the stew pot.
Hello neighbors!
I bought an incubator at a garage sale. It looks good, though was dusty. I cleaned it up and would like to give it a try.

Anyone have any "test eggs," that you would allow me to try out?

Hello to all in the Show Me state. I just found this thread I do realize it has been going for a while but did not want to pass up the opportunity to jump in. I'm in St. Charles just across the Missouri river from St. Louis. Started with chickens this spring, never been around them much before. I am learning a lot from everyone on BYC and enjoying it. Most of my friends think that I am crazy for having chickens but then I just tell them that my pets give me food and then I ask them if their pets provide any food for them. I have four Barred Rocks and three Red Sexlinks as it turns out three out of my four Barred Rocks pullets turned out to be Roos. I am holding on to them for right now trying to decide if I am going to keep any of them while I am waiting for neighbors to complain as the Roos start to find their voices.

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