
This is something I tell my students.

There isn't an excuse for misspelled words in these days of spell check. If you send an email with misspellings and grammatical errors, at best, you appear uneducated. At worst, people will assume that you are stupid.
I've had a few times that even spell check showed me 3 different spellings of a word that none were correct. /Facepalm I went to dictionary and checked myself against them all.....
I know most won’t agree with this because it’s used so often but my biggest pet peeve is ‘Veggie‘. Come on people it’s not that hard of a word to spell or say! Try it
VEG——E——TABLE now a little faster
VEG—E—TABLE. a little faster now
VEGETABLE. Yeah!! See, you can do it!!!
Meh..... It's a cheesy family colloquialism from my past to use *that* spelling. Normally I say/spell the actual plants name aka eggplant as apposed to the shortened word that grates on you so....
Meh..... It's a cheesy family colloquialism from my past to use *that* spelling. Normally I say/spell the actual plants name aka eggplant as apposed to the shortened word that grates on you so....
We don’t really great that many veggies..

and about the spelling Nazi aka @BantyChooks she can’t Getz any worser——-But she does use pe——-dashes now.
The spelling police are gonna getcha.
Hey, (scratches head) I looked up the word *You* adjusted to a bold text in my comment. Thought you were hinting to "it" being misspelled? That is the accurate spelling and it's usage is what I wanted. So, I guess your referring to the "veggie" versus "vegetable" of prior posting?

Yeah I'm dyslexic &ADHD but, I don't enjoy when it flares up and royally makes a mess of things, ideas, posts, text messages, emails, etal.
Hey, (scratches head) I looked up the word *You* adjusted to a bold text in my comment. Thought you were hinting to "it" being misspelled? That is the accurate spelling and it's usage is what I wanted. So, I guess your referring to the "veggie" versus "vegetable" of prior posting?

Yeah I'm dyslexic &ADHD but, I don't enjoy when it flares up and royally makes a mess of things, ideas, posts, text messages, emails, etal.

Apposed with the 'a' means "place (something) in proximity to or juxtaposition with something else". I suspect, and I think Elk did too, that you meant opposed, with an 'o', meaning "(of two or more things) contrasting or conflicting with each other".

Though juxtaposing something does mean you're contrasting them, so they might both work, haha.
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