MissPrissy's Daily Blue Plate Special - Guest Chef!

MP, back to the CFS I need advice. When I fry the 1st side it is nice and brown but when I flip it over and fry the other side it will stick to the pan and the coating comes off the meat.
What kind of pan do you use? I thought teflon would be good for frying. Do you use oil or shortening? A lot or little? I try to stay away from frying but the CFS is the only way to go! Thanks!
Here's the secret - when you flip it over use a fork to turn it - a regular dinner fork. Move the meat a little back and forth when you first flip it so it won't stick. If it does stick anyway don't pull it up from the pan, use your fork to gently slide under the meat and loosen it from the pan.

I use oil but shortening will work just fine. Sometimes I use lard if I am doing several pans full.
Dinner? HAHAHAHA! I should go to another thread, but we are all women here, except PC, who just lurks to be around women.

My mom had surgery in April and then all was normal in my life til yesterday. Her meds are destroying her liver so she was taken off EVERYTHING. Now she can't walk, so I am once again, shopping, cooking, getting mail, taking out trash, walking the dog, changing the cat box, watering the plants, taking her to appointments.

I was normal for a whole 7 months!!!!
I roasted some pumpkins and pumpkin looking squash. Mashed them up with butter, salt and pepper, heavy nutmeg and a little raw sugar. Topped it off with pecans and craisens mixed with a little more raw sugar and butter. Baked it at 375 to let the toppings get a little crisp and plump.​
YUM. That squash dish looks amazing. Thanks for sharing!!
From the picture, it looks like you combined pumpkins and kuri squash... I planted some of those (kuris) this year... kinda look like little pumpkins, only they don't "dimple" around the stem like pumpkins do, they just taper down. They're really tasty, although I've found that the stems tend to ooze a lot when you're curing them. I bet they'd be amazing in a casserole like that!! I'm going to have to give it a try...
For now, though, I'm trying my hand at home-made squash raviolis... wish me luck

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