MissPrissy's Daily Blue Plate Special - Guest Chef!

Thank you Angie!! I love sour dough breads. I love making panini sandwiches with it. This is great. I use to make starters many, many years ago.
Now I will have to start making my own sour dough breads for sure. My dh(as usual LOL) thanks you.
Jim and P.C. are getting scary now aren't they? The two together is worrisome but I know of a couple other guys who haven't seemed to have joined this strange group.
If they do it could get very interesting
This starter is 4 months old now. It has developed its own flavor. I make desserts with it and you can only taste a hint of sour dough. As it grows it really mellows out.
Oh,, she will be back. When the weather cools down, all the farm babies can tend to themselves, garden is done for the summer, putting up food for the winter, etc. etc. etc.

Wont you MP??
spring, summer, and early fall are busy times on a farm.
Henry's right she'll be back, I do most of my good cooking when we don't have the sunny nice warm weather ... ahhh but I am dreaming of cold frames.

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