MisterHunnyFarms Intro


In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2018
Hi! We are a small, just beginning farmette in oklahoma. Ive always had a love for animals. I was raised around my grandma's farm. However i never thought i liked much less loved chickens until i got my first one In october. We got my son a rooster for his 3rd birthday that's what he wanted! Lol well I quickly decided that he needed some ladies! It didn't take long for me to decided that 4 ladies just wasn't enough.. well long story shorter.. here we are 6 months later and I have 40? Chickens.. you know how chicken math works.. Once the eggs started Rollin in.. we figured out how much my 3 yr old son loves our ladies too! Every day Mister (my son Elias' nick name) comes outside to help Hunny (thats me, im Hunny, my son calls me Hunny thanks to his daddy) lol he helps me gather eggs and just loves every single little baby SO much!! He will get one egg.. hold it with both hands SO close and careful to his chest and say "oh its a baby!!" When we were trying to think of a farm name.. my husband came up with Mister Hunny farms since it's mine and my son's little passion. And i loved it so it stuck! We started with a new Hampshire red roo. With cinnamon queen ladies since at the time we just wanted eggs.. then it has turned into me falling in love with tons of different breeds! So now I'm on the hunt for more!! I just hatched out some babies for my first time.. used an incubator for the first time.. now I'm hooked!!! I want more!!
A friend of mine breeds gold laced Brahma but sadly I’m in UK. Have you tried eBay? I only use it if I can’t find what I want locally; In my experience it’s very variable but I’ve got some SLW in the incy from eBay and all 10 are developing so eBay can be good sometimes.
Good to know thank you! I did find ONE ebay listing for eggs.. that was it.. I'm desperate!!

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