Mites and Lice

I used generic Ivermectin pour-on for my hens. Discarded the eggs for a week. There are different opinions on how long to discard for, but honestly I felt silly about discarding them at all since I took Ivermectin myself to prevent river blindness when I lived in Nigeria and Gabon. I used roughly 7 drops per bird, but some got a hack of a lot more. It is hard to do alone. Fill the dropper one-handed while holding the bird one handed and trying to lift the feathers with an imaginary third hand to drip the drops on with that first hand and not knock the bottle over and waste $13. Get a helper if you can! I also chased out the birds and liberally dusted the floor of the coop with sevin dust (that stuff creeps me out!). Then after several hours I swept it out again before putting in clean bedding and letting the birds back in. Finally I got DE and am adding it to their dust baths around the yard to try to prevent another infestation. Overkill? I don't know, but my layers and chicks are all mite free!!!

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