Mites everywhere

I gave her and Millie some of the chick starter we have for the chicks when they hatch and I mixed it with some warm water and she is eating something finally she is gobbling it down
The mites do seem dead on her
I think the scalex worked very well
Now I really got to focus on the many other chickens we have
Tink has lost her chirp!
It is awful she makes a whisper sound instead of chirping
Also she is very small and you can see her insides easily
She is drinking by herself and sort of eating
She is also puffed up and doesn’t walk well and she just doesn’t look healthy
She is weak I just wish she was larger and healthy and running around and chirping as high as she pleased
And being a chick but she is just so weak and helpless and she is scared
Tink has lost her chirp!
It is awful she makes a whisper sound instead of chirping
Also she is very small and you can see her insides easily
She is drinking by herself and sort of eating
She is also puffed up and doesn’t walk well and she just doesn’t look healthy

She is weak I just wish she was larger and healthy and running around and chirping as high as she pleased
And being a chick but she is just so weak and helpless and she is scared
How long ago did you treat her for Coccidiosis?
Do you have video of what she sounds like? upload to youtube and provide a link
2 months ago she had severe coccidiosis and her sister died
I don’t have a video sadly let me try to get one
I’m thinking about bringing her to the vet do you think I should
I just recently had a mite problem and dust bathing is a struggle with frozen soil. I tried organic methods, but it wasn't working so I broke down and went with permethrin powder.

I got this off of Amazon..

And filled it up with powder. I stuck the nozzle in the vents and gve a few puffs and within a couple of days the mites were gone. Their dust bathing bins are finally starting to thaw out so I put some in there and mixed it in as well. Later this spring I'll have more fires and mix all of the ash into their big dustbathing area in the run.

You can't screw around with those suckers if you have any infested birds. Kill'em with fire.
Tink can’t chirp at all she tries and walk around I’m really worried I was looking at her back feathers and they had brown gunk in them and the feathers came out easily
But she is eating an drinking
She is mite free but she is so ill

Also I was so wrapped up in tinks health that when I went to see the mite situation on the rest of our chickens they were so bad I just about screamed
Our dear six year old Cornish mix Cleo
Had them so bad on her vent
And our strange brain damaged deformed beak Easter egger waggy has so many mites on her vent I could barely see her pink skin
They go for the weak ones don’t they
And our columbian Plymouth Rock bantam Peggy had them all in her bottom feathers
Then I sprayed them with our mite spray
I hope that holds them off why we clean everything so that they don’t become anemic and die

Also tink should be going to our sweet vet tomorrow

All tink wants to do is drink water peck at food and hide under Millie
Then mope around and try to chirp

I couldn’t really get a good picture of the brown stuff in the feather sheaths but it is not good it is make the young feathers fall out
Do you know what it is

I’m feeding them chick starter with warm water
And water with probiotic powder
And scrambled egg


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