Mites in baby chicks


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 5, 2012
Hi everyone. I have 3 Serama chicks that just hatched last night and they have northern red mites. I have sprayed the hen with Poultry Protector but it says not to us on chicks less than 10 days old. What can I do???? I brought them inside to a brooder because two other chicks that hatched yesterday were dead this morning due to the hen not keeping them warm enough during the night. I put white paper towels on the bottom of the brooder and can see the mites on the paper when the chicks move. I am killing the mites I see with my finger nail (this is so gross) but don't know what is safe to use on such tiny chicks. HELP! Any advice is so appreciated. Thanks.
That's probably because it's a liquid and you don't want to chill them but IDK... I have some poultry dust (active ingredient is Permethrin) that worked well and is supposed to be low toxicity. I'd think the mites are a bigger danger than that but I wouldn't get a chick wet all over if I could possibly avoid it.
Oh, and you should treat the coop because unless the mites were infesting the brooder, the nesting area is full of them.

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