mites, mites, mites

Hey here!!! My turken HAD mites and I powdered her with special mite powder. The mites looked like little oval shaped yellow almost see though and a head. And looked like 6 legs? It was bad. After I powdered her, the mites were gone but I noticed some little white bumps at the roots of almost all her feathers??? I thought I saw online that those are eggs?!?! If so are they dead after I powdered her and killed all the adult mites??? Or should I wait til they hatch and then powder her again?? Thanks for anyone who helps out!!! Also, can someone post a picture of the eggs? If they are eggs so I can see for myself? :) thanks!!!!

This is a good article on mite/lice identification:

Good luck!!
by far the best thing I have found for lice and mites is Adams flea and tick sprayit works great list each wing spray underneathspray breast head and around vent
I actually use malathion for almost all external pests. One capful (about one tablespoon) per gallon. spray it VERY liberally, and give it time to dry. If you want to, you can stir up any litter, and spray again. Then a flea and tick shampoo on all of the chickens, and you're good.
Thank you I just discovered mites have caused the problems the hens are having with their feet, and am on the mite war path. This gave me just the information I needed. Also, good to know I can just get wood ash from my fireplace. I thought it was some kind of brand name. Learning..... all the time.

I used Castor Oil spread everywhere on the legs, butt under wings and left it on for about 10days, then gave a bath in Dawn dish soap and a blow dry...then I spray with Poultry wonders Lice and Mites...check out my profile photos
Can i ask if any of you have had this before, after handling my chickens normally for treatment of mites and lice, i have found that i can be very itchy after, i swear some of the mites have crawled off the hen and as i have long hair i feel like they are crawling about in it, i have had people go through it and they have said theres nothing there but i feel like something is crawling about in there for a ouple of days after, is this just my imagination or could mites live on human hair?
I'm right there with you! And when I treated mine, I did have my hair tied back in a ponytail. But I know the little buggers were crawling up my arms (and biting), so its very possible that some may have gotten up in my hair. Not sure if my imagination was getting the best of me, but I swear they were crawling in my hair! I took a nice long hot shower and washed my hair twice (really well), and I think that relieved my mind a little. One thing I've found is that they can still live on clothing/towels days later. When treating my hens, my daughter had a towel in her lap to set the hens on while I dusted their crests with DE and that towel (full of crawling mites) was left outside in the hot sun. Days later there were still a bunch of mites crawling around on it. Not sure how long these darn things can live off of the chickens or from their coops --- I'd love to know though!
Thanks for the reply Crazy4chicks, I'm glad its not just me, was starting to think i was crazy. Thank you for the heads up on the towel thing x
Thanks everyone. I have been following this blog for a bit. All info very great. I have a serious infestation of mites, can't seem to get on top of it. One hen is so infested I'm afraid she may not make it :(
I do have some concerns. I have read that DE is okay to add to dust baths, the outside grassy run areas as well as applying to birds. Other people have stated not to use DE AT ALL. I'm so confused and concerned for the health of my chickens. Can anyone out there give me a definative answer??? I have 3 bags of DE, but don't want to use if it means losing any more chickens. Thanks for any info :)
Also, we have just had a major snowfall, does anyone know if that will help kill the mites outside? They will have no access to the chickens. One last question, what are the odds my chickens are getting the mites from wild finches entering the coop?

UPDATE: My hen has passed away :( Please,please can someone help me!!!!
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