mites, mites, mites

If you choose frontline, I wouldn't dose the birds as often, but I would spray down the coop regularly. I've never used frontline. When I sprayed the permethrin I did vents, back, and under the wings.
Omg!!! I really hope it takes a while for this frontline to work. Like 24 hours? I dosed the guineas yesterday at 5pm and they're still itching. Catching them and dosing them is an all day affair. The reason I used it in the first place is so I wouldn't have to do this again. I don't eat guineas or the eggs so I'm not worried about that, but I am worried about my birds itching to death.
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Give it another day or so. If you don't see improvement in a few days I'd try something else.

I wonder if soap would work. If I see bees in the house or whatever bug I deem as unwelcome I put dawn soap and water in a spray bottle and just spray them. It has not failed me yet. I wonder if you could spray the guineas. I have no idea if this would work, but it's a thought.
Thanks bay bay!! I sprayed the coop a couple of days ago with permethrin so I wouldn't get eaten alive when I went to clean it. Yesterday I went back and scrubbed everything down and sprayed bleach with dawn and soaked everything and then I dusted it. Between the house the dogs, yard, and many coops I've still got a ton of work to do. I'll just keep trying until they die. Next will be the dawn. They're already ****** at me I'm sure this will make it even worse...
Yes, I have ashes in all of my coops. It will not kill them, it might knock them down but it won't kill them.
Even though I have ash and DE in my coops I still got them. If you want to do something natural I'd try some essential oils? I don't know if it works because I went straight to the chemicals. I just want them gone...
Well I just have mites not lice so I take that back. I have no idea.
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Are they infested? I wouldn't be so sure on sevinm a week old is awfully small. I'd try DE but make sure you and the chicks don't breath it in. Otherwise try wood ash. That would be an even safer alternative.
I didnt see any on them so i just treated most of the coop. I dont have the supplies i just used dawn with a combination of flea shampoo for dogs. I washed the infested ones but only saw one mite. The other chickens, not the babies are taking dust bathsin sevin combined with dust and ash.
I understand that mites will always exist and thats why they take dust baths.

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